Chapter 9

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Keith tried to stretch out his jeans, it was too tight for him. As he got inside the restaurant, he could see all his friends arguing over the menu.

Everyone was there: Clara, John, Livingston, Rusty, Kevin and Jennifer. All of them are Kevin's childhood friends though he lost contact with everyone except Clara and John.

As he came closer, Livingston spotted him.

'Hey guys, Keith is here. This is extraordinary!'

'Never thought we will see you outside the school.' Rusty raised his glass to Keith mockingly.

'Yea yea whatever. Get all your jokes out !' Keith took the empty spot beside Clara.

'You made it!'  Clara said gleefully.

'Well I promised you, didn't I?' Keith nudged Clara. ' Well I keep them promises.'

'Guys we should order fast.'

'Mhmm, let me do a check' said Kevin. 'Let me call out your names and do tell me your orders.'


'A cashew nut salad.'

'Livingston stop it with the straw and tell me!'

'Wings. Ummmm spicy ones.'


' Pasta.'


'Dumplings please.'


' The chicken and some fries.'

'And finally we come to the fashionably late guy. Have you chosen yet?'

'Yea well, I would like some wings too.'

'Alright then.'

After they ordered, they started to catch up with each and Keith wasn't feeling miserable after so long. He forgot the last time he forgot to breathe because he laughed so much.


'Yes, Clara?'

'Can I rest my head on your shoulder a bit?'

'Yes, of course.'

'You smell good Keith'. Clara said with a smile.

' Well thank you. You are not so bad yourself.'

'Well, it is an expensive perfume. It is supposed to smell good.'

After they ate and played card games it was time to depart. Keith though ended up with a red and sweaty face from all the spiciness from the wings, he promised he will keep up communication with everyone and not go MIA.

Keith and John was about to head out together, Clara came and interrupted them.


'Yes, Clara. Did I forget something?'

'No no. I mean to say could you drop me home? It is pretty late. I live pretty close. Won't take you five minutes.'

'Of course.' Keith turned to John. 'Just wait up for me.'

Keith started walking with Clara. And for a brief moment he looked back to John. He could see John showing him thumbs up.

Keith shook his head in frustration.

'Is anything wrong?'

'Oh, nothing sorry.' Keith quickly turned his head.

It was a chilly night and Clara was grazing against Keith. They were talking about how everyone was doing and their recent love affairs. Finally they reached her doorstep.

Keith turned around and gave Clara a tight hug. As he was about to leave Clara cleared up her throat.

' I wanted to ask you a question.'

' Oh yeah. Absolutely, what's up?' 

'Do you want to go on a date with me sometime soon?'

Keith was standing and trying to understand what did she had asked. And after a solid minute of awkward silence. Keith was able to ask one question.

' A what again?.'

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