Chapter 10

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'A what?' Keith asked back.

'A date, Keith.' said Clara shyly. ' Look the thing is I like you for quite some time now. And it's no pressure actually. I just mean to ask you out. If you think things will get awkward, it is fine if you say no.'

'What? No...wait I mean to say it wouldn't hurt if we go on a date' Keith said.

' You will?' Clara's cheek flushed red.

'Mhmm, as long I get a free treat.'

'Oh yes, I promise.' Clara added 'What about day after tomorrow in the new cafe with the ghost vibe?'

'Well I have no idea of that cafe...but sure do take me there.'

'Goodbye Keith' told Clara as she walked into her house.

As Keith for back to get John, he could see John was waiting with much excitement.

'So?' John asked with curiosity.

'Well she asked me out.' said Keith with a smirk.

'Oh damn son.' John patted Keith. 'That's awesome. But you sure it's okay right? After all the you and Rose stuff.'

'Yea, it is alright. I mean it might help me in some way to get over Rose.'

'Just whatever you do, remember Clara is one of your oldest and a really good friend. Don't ruin this up.'

'Mhmm.' Keith wondered in his mind a bit. ' I think we should head home.'

Keith sat down beside Rose the next day at school.

'So how was the get together yesterday?' asked Rose.

' Well honestly it was really good. I needed this a lot.'

'I hope you do get better. And I am still really sorry you know about this. What else is up with you?'

'Well, Clara asked me out on a date' said Keith shyly.

'Holy shit, really?' Rose was a bit shocked. ' Did you say yes?'

'I did say yes. Considering it will help me get over you or something. We are going to that ghost place tomorrow'

'Oh.' Rose said half-heartedly as she pushed up her glasses. 'I am really happy for you.'

'Any advices?Do I get flowers? I never went on dates before.'

'Just be yourself. I assure you will be fine.'

Keith and Rose talked a bit more on what to wear. And as Keith left for class all giddy and happy. Rose sat back and sighed as she tried to mask the hurt she was feeling. Honestly she had no idea why she was feeling this.. and it seemed most unusual to her.

Keith could see Clara coming down the stairs. She dressed beautifully in black, with a little bit of makeup for the occasion.

Keith also did dress up for the date. He wore a grey shirt and dress pants which was super uncomfortable. He also wear perfume which seemed to suffocate him. He had done extensive research on dates via Google last day and knew what to do. But he was scared, it was his first date in his whole nerd life. He was scares shitless.

As Clara came closer Keith could smell her perfume and she did smell quite nice. Keith came over and extended his  hand towards her.

'M' lady?'

'M'man.' Clara started laughing.      

End of part one.

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