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jimin's pov 

i remember the first time i saw him. he was laughing, showing an adorable box-like smile. he was with his friends, right outside of the place i work. i remember the way he ran his hand through his soft, black hair, the way he looked towards me when he entered the shop, the way he winked at me when he ordered a mocha. 

i remember everything from that day. 

how he asked for my number, how we began talking, how our first date was, how we kissed for the first time, how he asked me to become his boyfriend, how we went to prom together, and how we graduated together.

how he would tell me he loved me, how he would smile at me, how he would hold me tight when i was scared, how he would whisper sweet nothings in my hear when i was sad.

i remember everything. 

i cherish those memories a lot.


the alarm beeped, making me groan. i slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes with my left hand, while trying to turn off the alarm with the other. after a few failed attempts, i finally succeeded, making the awful noise fade away. 

i opened my eyes, a small sigh leaving me. i could hear the coffee machine in the kitchen. a small smile crept on my lips, as the thought of taehyung spread through my mind. i slowly left the comfortable warmth in my bed, and walked out in the kitchen.

"goodmorning honey." i smiled, as i opened the fridge. i got out some butter and cheese, along with some bread. "what would you like for breakfast?"

"'morning." he said, as he continued scrolling through his instagram feed. "anything is fine, just not cheese please." 

"oh, i forgot you had that yesterday, sorry." i laughed, to which he chuckled. "hm.. eggs?" i then asked, as i put the cheese back in the fridge.

"no. dont we have something better?" taehyung mumbled, before taking a sip of his coffee.

"not really.. the fridge is pretty empty." i sighed, as i sat down next to my boyfriend.

"almost empty?" he asked, and looked at me for the first time this morning. i nodded, as i tried to fix my awful morning hair. "i thought i told u to go shop yesterday?" 

"ah, i know. i was planning on doing it, but forgot it. ive just been so busy with work lately." taehyung glared at me for a second, before returning to his phone.

"dont say sorry. you'll just do it today, right?" 

"of course!" i smiled. he chuckled and pet my hair, before giving me a quick peck on the lips. "hm.. i can make some toast if you'd like?"

"id love that." he smiled back. 

this was a good moment as well.


"die!" jungkook yelled, as he shot my character over and over again. "die, die, die!" 

"no you can die! stop!" i laughed, and pushed the other, making im drop his controller. "come on, come on, come o- YES! TAKE THAT!" i yelled out in victory, as i finally won the game.

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