This was only the beginning

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"Ahhhh!" The only thing that Lucy Heartfilia could say at the moment. She couldn't believe this was happening to her.  She was going for a shower at first but..

As soon water touched her, her body had shifted into a mermaid body. For crying out loud she was a damn mermaid.

"Mom! Are you okay?!" Barge in her child Nashi Dragneel. She was only ten with pink hair and brown eyes. Already she has her mothers intelligent and her father's characteristics.

"Nashi dont-" Lucy tried to say but it was too late, her daughters eye popped open.

"Mom are you a mermaid?!" She gasped covering her mouth in shocked. She had pink tail and scale like skin and she has the purple shell bra.

"Yeah" She glanced down " Get me out of here please" Nashi hesitates. I mean could she survive without water?

"Im postive this is only temporary so help me Nashi" The said girl nodded "Okay mom" and managed to get her up using her strength(almost close to her fathers). Then putting her leaning against the bathtub.

"Thanks dear"Lucy winced as she had to drink some of the bath water. Nasty water she had forced to drink still in her throat

Lucy had burped loudly. She blushed furiously covering her face with her hands. To top it off, she just had to go and be gross..great.

Great I bet Nashi thinks of me differently now The blonde thought bitterly. Ever since her childs father left her here alone with Nashi with the latter being five at the time, she had to raise the little girl on her own despite having fairytail as a whole family.

"Mommy? Are you okay?" Nashi reach up and wiped her tears that she didn't even noticed. The blonde was greatly overprotective of her child so much that she would follow her if something were to happen to her daughter.

"Mmm yes" Lucy said "Im fine thanks" She felt her daughter body hovering her.

"Mommy dont cry! I hate it when you do" Nashi said sadly "I think being a mermaid is cool! I always wanted to be one since I watched the Little Mermaid" Lucy stare at her energetic child.

She carefully held her small child in her arms. Despite being ten years old, Nashi was a bit smaller than most kids in fairytail. Lucy loves her more because of it.

"Will someone date you now since your now one?" The pinkette questions looking at her mother. Lucy gave a heavy sigh out loud.

"Not now honey" She murmured brushing her pink hair "Not until your a bit older" Nashi gave a silent nod.

"Well well well what do we have here Lucy and Nashi" A stoic  but yet familiar tone spoke making the two looked to see who it was.

It was Aquarius!

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