chpt 3

422 10 2

ponyboys pov
someone walks through the door, i turn around and see who it is. it's sodas girlfriend, Samone. she was real pretty but not as pretty as audrey. sodas a lucky guy.

"hey soda!" she said smiling at soda.

soda walked over to her and hugs her.
"hi baby" he smiled softly and kissed her forehead, "how you doin?" soda asked samone.

they were being to lovey dovey. i get up and walk out of the house. deciding to take a walk because why not. probably not the best idea to go alone, but oh well. i jump when i hear two bit and darry behind me.

  "you can't go alone kiddo." darry said sternly as he walked up to my side.

  i sighed.

"yeah i know i'm sorry." i replied sarcastically.

two bit cut in between darry and i conversation.

"ooh! let's go to bucks, get a drink maybe? get a few girls huh?" two bit elbowed me, raising his eyebrows, knowing that's where dally stayed. oh god. does he know i like audrey. i don't think so, i haven't told anyone but johnny, and johnny can keep a secret.

"oh shush" i reply and i blush bright red.

we get to bucks and i see dally downstairs sitting at the bar.

"hey dal" two bit said and smiled a bit.

dallas waved a bit.

"where's audrey?" i asked a bit nervous, hoping that he wouldn't catch on.

audreys pov
dally has been gone a bit. he said he was gonna go get a quick beer. i get off the bed and go downstairs. i see dally sitting next to a couple guys. i look closer and notice the guys are two bit, pony, and darry.
i go up behind dally and yell "BOO!!" and everyone in the bar looked at me. i notice dallas jumped. i burst out laughing.

"seriously.." dallas said rubbing his forehead.

i managed to make the 3 boys laugh. i glanced at pony and smiled at him. gosh his laugh is so cute.

sodas pov

samone and i hugged for a while. i kissed her forehead again. she was so cute. how did i get so lucky.

"you're so adorable" i smile and chuckle softly.

she blushes and i put a piece of hair behind her ear.

"wanna go for a walk?" she asks me and i smile and nod.

we walk out of the house and hold hands as were walking. almost immediately. some socs showed up in their fancy blue mustang behind us.

"GREASERS!!" they yelled at us.

"get on this side of me darling.." i tell samone and she listens.

the socs get out of the car.

"oooh looks like he's got a girl with him, you got a girl curtis?" bob laughs hysterically. i hear the switchblade open.

my eyes widen and i turn around to see bob right behind me. i punch him square in the jaw. immediately leaving a bruise. he punched me back and cut my cheek with his blade. Samone ran to get help.
i got pinned down by bob and his entourage. i kicked him where it hurts and bob grunts. his friends made sure to keep me pinned and starting punching the shit out of me.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM!!" dallas came running.

i thought dallas was at bucks?..i guess samone went there since nobody was home. obviously.

the socs got off of me and ran as soon as they hear and see dallas. i'm in the worst pain i've felt in a while. i winced and held my stomach.
dallas picked me up and took me to the hospital.
next thing i know i wake up in a hospital bed. wires are attached to me. nobody was in the room with me. the doctor walks in and sees i'm awake.
pony and darry run in. pony was crying.

"thank god you're okay." darry told me and i nodded softly.

i glance over to where pony was and he wasn't there no more
yes yes ik this ones boring too lol, i'm not good at writing ahah. if you have any suggestions, comment them below, or your opinions. this one was shorter than the others i'm sorry

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