chpt 8

229 10 3

"come on!! pleaseeeeee!!!!!" two bit hollers.

"two, just stop. she doesn't want to." pony knitted his eyebrows together.

pony gets out of the water and comes up to me and sits next to me. he placed his hand on top of mine and pecked my cheek. i felt my cheeks go bright red. hm i just realized dallas isn't here. i thought he would be. though i'm kinda glad that he's not here because if he saw pony and i together he would literally murder both of us.
i hear the crunching of the grass behind pony and i. as if someone was walking. i glance back and it's samone. shit. she doesn't know soda kissed me and that nobody really wants her here..
"uhm..can we help you?" i ask samone as she stands directly in front of pony and i.

"yeah where's my boyfriend?" she asks. her attitude was not something that i liked.

"hun, about that, he kinda doesn't wanna see you anymore." i reply in a low quiet voice. "if you really wanna see him he's in the water." i said, giving her a slight attitude back.

"don't give me attitude." samone demands and i clenched my jaw.

"samone you should probably leave." pony butts in.

"nobody was asking you." she raised an eyebrow at pony.

i stood up. i've just about had it with this girl. "WHY DONT YOU JUST FUCKING LEAVE?!! CLEARLY NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE!" i yell at her. getting in her face. honestly that wasn't a good move for me. she slapped me across the face, as soon as the first word came out of my mouth.

i wound my arm back and punched samone in the nose and she punches me back square in the jaw. i feel someone grip my arm and try to pull me away from samone but i resist and punch samone in the stomach. she gets me right in the eye.
eventually we're both pulled apart. i look back and pony is behind me, he still has ahold of my arm. two bit and soda have samone.
my eye was already bruising and so was my jaw. i held back tears. as much as i wanted to cry, greasers don't cry.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!!" i hear soda yell from a distance. he's talking to samone.

pony pulled me into a hug.

"come on let's head back and get you cleaned up.." he told me and we walked all the way back to his house.

eventually we got there and we got my knuckles cleaned as well as some ice for my bruises. i winced a few times and pony placed his hand on my knee. as he cleaned a few cuts i had on my face.

"i'm sorry baby..." he muttered under his breath.

2 weeks later

my bruises are pretty much healed, as well with my cuts. dally still doesn't know about pony and i. i don't know how two bit or darry hasn't told him yet. even johnny honestly.

it was about 4pm i had to head home to dal.

"i wish i could stay for dinner but dally wants me home early for some reason." i say in a sad tone. i hug pony goodbye and wave to everybody else.

as i'm walking to bucks, surprisingly i didn't encounter any socs. that was a first. i entered bucks and went upstairs to dally's apartment thing.

i walk in and he's putting a shirt on.
"why'd you want me home so early?" i ask dallas a bit annoyed.

"because you're hiding something." dallas replies and i feel my cheeks go a soft pink.

"AHAH! You are. what are you hiding audge." he sounded proud but a bit angry as well.

"nothing. now can i go please? i promised pony i would watch the sunset with him." i reasoned, trying to leave.

"fine. but when you get back you better tell me what you're hiding." he rolls his eyes and ruffles my hair as i walk back out the door.

i walk to the curtis house and meet pony. i hang out with everyone for a good while.
pony and i walked out the door. we were on our way to the lot so we could watch the sunset. i noticed pony has a book in his hand.

"what book ya got there?" i ask and i see him smile softly.

"gone with the wind, i thought we could read it during the sunset.." he trailed off, sounding a tad embarrassed.

i giggled softly. "i'd love to read it during the sunset." i see pony's face light up.

we eventually arrive at the lot just in time, a few minutes before the sunset had started.
pony opened the book as we sat down on the cold concrete and he spoke the first words of the book. i know it's cliche but i could listen to pony talk for hours on end.
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