chpt 5

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dallas's pov
someone knocked on the door. i look over at audrey.
"you expecting somebody?" i ask her.

she shakes her head no. i go to the door and crack it open just enough for me to peak through and see who's at the door. my eyes widen and i shut the door and lock it.

"who is it?" audrey asks me, i don't know what to tell her.

"just a friend. here um i need you to go through that door and stay out there until i come get you." i tell her.

she listens and goes through the door and waits outside.

i swing open the door.
"why the HELL are you here." im clearly very angry. i wanna punch him. i wanna put him through the pain he put audrey and i through.

"is audrey here?" he asked. he sounded the exact same before i left new york. angry. full of hatred. i punched him square in the jaw and  he wound back his arm getting ready to punch me. i punch him again before he can punch me.

he blacks out. i have buck drag him out and call the police.

"audrey get in here!" i holler.

she walks in and gives me a soft smile. i guess she didn't know it was dad.

audreys pov
we woke up this morning and we headed over to the curtis house. i need to apologize to pony.

"hey pone can i talk to you?" i ask as i walk over to him.

he seemed happy to see me. he nodded and we went into his room.

"i'm really sorry i haven't been talkin to you these passed few weeks. i feel horrible, i shouldn't have avoided you, i just didn't want anyone to know that we kissed because if dally found out he would kill both of us and i don't want you gettin' hurt." i ramble on and on. i do that when i'm nervous.

"hey calm down it's okay." pony tells me softly. he places his hand on my shoulder and pulls me into a hug.

"will you be my girl?...audrey winston?.." pony says and i go dark red. a big smile forms on my face.

"yes pony, i will." i giggle and peck his lips.

somebody walks in right when i pecked his lips.

"and what do we have hereee??" a familiar voice said.

pony and i both jumped. we looked and saw two bit standing in the doorway.
  i'm guessing two bit saw we were both pretty embarrassed.

"don't worry i won't tell no one." he smiled and walked away.

pony and i walked out of his room and see soda sitting on the couch getting lectured by darry again.

i thought he was gonna end up not letting him see samone anymore. turns out soda just got another lecture about it.

soda turned to pony and i. he smirked. i guess soda isn't mad at him anymore. oh god wait, did two bit tell everyone.

i just brush it off. soda walked up to pony and i. he got in between us and put his arms on both of us.

"thanks to you pony, i can't see samone for a month." soda says sarcastically but has a smile on his face.

i chuckle a bit.

"shall we go to the dingo? or on a walk?" i ask soda and pony.

they both nod and we go out of the house. we see a couples socs. they see us. uh oh.
this chapter is shorter than the others but it's not that interesting besides that pone asked audrey to be his girl :) i hope you're enjoying this boring story ahahah vote and comment!

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