Chapitre 1

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"Shall I give you a drink my little miss?"

She blenched, lost in her thoughts, she hadn't seen the barman approaching her and his husky voice had lifted her from her torpor. The sun was shining on Greenhills today, but it was usually to have good weather at this season, so that was what they was told her.

Because she was not from here.

"A soda, please" she said, smiling. The man in front of her stared at her strangely, but she was used to that. Her eyes, (your eyes), still attracted attention.

Besides, she was by no means a monster. (your height), (your hair and your face) (what are you wearing) went unnoticed in this beautiful American campaign that was GreenHills.

" Her cola slid over the bar and she thanked the man who had served it with a smile.

"You're from here, are you?

- You're the perceptive guy." She smiled softly, sipping her glass.

"We all know each other here, you know, and a lady like you does not go unnoticed.

- I'm here on a visit, I heard about a house for sale in the hills and i'm here to visit it.

- Really? A new resident here? Who would want to come and live in Greenhills when San Francisco is not far away ?

- Let's say ... That I need ... Calm. »She gently.

"You don't risk having it!" Hissed a customer, drinking his beer. "With this damn breakdown!" I hope you made a stock of candles before coming here. "

She had obviously heard of this breakdown, which was why she was there in reality, but this detail, she had failed to specify.

"I heard about it at the station, really strange isn't it? Do I really have to worry? She said falsely worried.

"Above all, we don't know where it comes from at all!" I mean, chopping ... It's still unbelievable that this outage would be extended to the whole region ... "breathed the bartender, rubbing a glass that had just been cleaned.

"He's the blue demon ..."

She turned to the man who had just uttered these words. A strange old guy, dressed rather scruffy and wearing a huge beard. In fantasy movies, he was the kind of half-crazy old prophet that no one believed, but who was often right.

"Karl, leave the girl alone!" You are going to scare her with your sleeping stories. "

She smiled a compassionate, almost comforting smile.

"Oh, don't worry. Where I come from we are keen on urban legends ... Besides, I love this kind of story ... And so you say that there is a ... Blue demon? " Her voice had become soft, her gaze turned to the old man and he was surprised that, for once, someone - and a stranger - was interested about his story.

"There is a strange creature lurking here ..." he breathed. "I saw it, I almost caught it several times! "

Put her back on the edge of the bar, the young woman crossed her legs on the stool and listened attentively to the old man.

"And how is this demon?"

The old man was carried away by his enthusiasm, well someone seemed to take seriously what he said. She was finally touched by the expression on his face when he pulled out a sheet of paper folded in 4 from the pocket of his jacket and gave it to her.

" Look ! It's him ! It's him ! "

She unfolded the crumpled sheet and glanced at the strange drawing of the old man. It looked like a blue hedgehog, but his body was almost human. Seen like that, he looked monstrous and she understood why everyone here seemed to take him for a fool.

"He is small but he moves quickly, very quickly, my traps are contained and he manages to avoid them, always!" And he's talking, I'm sure! Really sure! He's the one responsible for all our problems I'm telling you. "

She said nothing, thinking of a way to keep this sheet with her without arousing suspicion. Then she patted the old man's shoulder while the pillars of counters encouraged "the lady" not to listen to the old "Karl the dingo".

"It looks scary, have you ever thought about doing your research to see if anyone else has mentioned it to you ... before?"

The gullible old man nodded negatively.
"You know, I ... so that I really appreciate the research, I would be delighted to be of service to you and to clarify this story ... Especially if I want to settle in this city, what do you say?
- At least our Karl would stop beating us with his story! Said a bar customer.
"Yep and we will know who is finally right!" "
The young woman smiled softly, humanity was so naive, so gullible when they ignored the source of its problems.

"Can I take this drawing from you for a moment?" I promise, that I will give it back to you ... "she whispered softly to the old man who was suddenly taken with great pride.
"Well ... of course! If it can prove the existence of my demon, do what you want with it! "
Her gaze sparkled with satisfaction as she slipped the paper into her jeans pocket, put a hand on the old man's shoulder, tilted his face to hers.

"Thank you Karl, you're great ..." she breathed softly before rolling her stool to get up and tossed a ten dollar bill on the counter.
"Offer a drink to this gentleman, and to the others too, this is my welcome gift! "She exclaimed, pushing open the doors of the bar, suddenly her cell phone started to ring.
" Yes ?
- Commissioner (Y/N), what's up about your investigations?
- It's okay, it progressesse sir ... Slowly, but surely ...

- I hope so for you! The United States government decided to react and sent troops directly commanded by the Pentagon. You'd better go to this famous baseball field and see what they make. "
She didn't answer right away, just opening the door of her car.
"We're supposed to be working with the Pentagon, right?
-(Y/N), in this kind of strange case, Interpol doesn't collaborate with anyone. America is hiding something strange from us, this story is strange. Clear that up, tell us why the damn satellite exploded, and we'll resume our cordial relationship with the US Secret Service. "
She got into the car and ready to turn on the ignition.
" Very good sir.
- One last thing (Y/N).

- Yes ?
- We heard about the guy who the US government sent there. According to our reports, it is Doctor Robotnik.

- I've never heard of him, sir.

- Probably not, your business has never really been in contact with hims, but if I can give you some advice: Beware of him. This guy is a little ... unpredictable! "

She nodded and ended her conversation with her supervisor, it was strange to hear that hint of anxiety in her voice. Whoever that Doctor Robotnik could be, she was not afraid of him and was determined to resolve his investigation as quickly as possible.

She was not at the end of her surprises.

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