~: Aspen Alexander Chavez :~

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Full Name: Aspen Alexander Chavez


Age: 17-25(Age will vary)

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Age: 17-25(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Alex Pettyfer

Appearance/FaceClaim: Alex Pettyfer

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Personality: Aspen is exceptionally stubborn, but honestly gets flustered if someone ever blatantly flirts with him

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Personality: Aspen is exceptionally stubborn, but honestly gets flustered if someone ever blatantly flirts with him.  Like beet red in the face and will stutter every couple words-type flustered.  This also happens to happen to him when he gets caught off guard and doesn't know what to say, so his red face pretty much gives it away for him.  He's quite resourceful though and you can come to him for just about anything under the sun. He won't turn you away in that respect. Aspen can actually also be real sarcastic as well, and on many occasions,  comedic, trying to make others laugh to the best of his ability cause he just happens to like to make people smile. It warms his heart.

Likes: -His golden retriever, Jax-Food-Wildlife-Baseball-Making others smile-Making friends-Comedy-Baking-Cooking

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-His golden retriever, Jax
-Making others smile
-Making friends

-Being alone
-Small spaces(claustrophobic)
-Being left out


Weaknesses:-Naive-Animals(especially his dog)-Family-Friends-Sorrow

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-Animals(especially his dog)

-Directionally Challenged
-Dependent on others sometimes

-The dark
-Being left alone

-Biting his lower lip
-Running his hand through his hair
-Tapping his hand against his thigh

Habits:-Biting his lower lip-Running his hand through his hair-Tapping his hand against his thigh

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Backstory: On the morning of July 4th, Aspen had been born to Christopher and Clarice Alexander. Their life was a life of wealth, but he didn't take it for granted. Sure they were wealthy, but he didn't indulge himself on grand excursions and stuff like that, but only for the necessary things like what he was interested in for baseball, food, etc. He wasn't a big spender, and neither was the rest of his family, both his parents being rather humble and saving a majority of their money, not spending it until college came around for Aspen, having gotten a full ride to a simple college just outside of where he lived.

Christopher Alexander-Father(50)-Alive
Clarice Alexander-Mother(48)-Alive

His Dog Jax

Pets(s):His Dog Jax

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