~: Thea Angeline Eden :~

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Full Name: Thea Angeline Eden

-Tay Tay

Nickname(s):-Tay Tay-Angel

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Age: 17-27(Age will vary)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1"

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Cher Lloyd

Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

Personality: Thea can be a little bit mischievous. Actually, not just a little, but a lot. She finds it pretty much wherever she goes or turns. And very often the girl likes to pull pranks on other people. They're normally harmless pranks though, unless you really happen to get under her skin, then she won't have much mercy. Along with this, Thea normally is also be fairly sassy and even a little flirtatious with others if she's in the right mindset. She won't have any problem doing so. And the girl happens to have a very stubborn nature too where she won't step down from a challenge. That's just her. Sometimes she doesn't know when to quit.

Likes: -Sunsets-Pulling pranks-Some chic clothing-Long road trips-Sweet things-Mystery and comedy movies-Her puppy-Adventures-Having the upper hand -Animals-Candy-Parties-Drinking-Clubbing-Soccer-Volleyball

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-Pulling pranks
-Some chic clothing
-Long road trips
-Sweet things
-Mystery and comedy movies
-Her puppy
-Having the upper hand

-Artichokes and spinach
-The sound of velcro(Weird, yes. But it's a thing)
-Being ignored
-Being kept in the dark
-Being underestimated
-Being messed with
-Being looked down upon
-Boring people

-Defensive of those she loves

-Defenseless people

Flaws:-Can be too honest-Can be overly sarcastic-Temperamental-Mischievous -Headstrong-Sometimes impulsive

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-Can be too honest
-Can be overly sarcastic
-Sometimes impulsive

-Losing those she cares for
-Hurting somebody she cares about

-Running a hand through her hair when in awkward or just a random situation.
-Sighing after a long, deep or rough conversation
-Will snap if pushed
-Sets up pranks when bored, or if she wants to get back at somebody

Backstory: Thea actually wasn't planned. Like at all. She was born on a dreary, cold day to a young couple, Theresa and John Edwards. Thea was born on January 15th. Early in her childhood, she was very rebellious, but less so than she is now and didn't pull as many pranks. In pulling pranks, she tried to get other people's attention, including her parents who tried to urge her toward other things and hobbies like ballet or dance. She most certainly didn't get along with that. She was more into sports like soccer and volleyball as it gave her more of an outlet for her emotions. And even throughout her growth though, she still continued to play pranks. It would be considered childish to other people, but for her it gives her something to do and to improve creativity as well.

 It would be considered childish to other people, but for her it gives her something to do and to improve creativity as well

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Theresa Edwards-Mother(49)-Alive
John Edwards-Father(51)-Alive



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