~: Jaxon Michael Chambers :~

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Full Name: Jaxon Michael Chambers


Age: 17-28(Age will vary)

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Age: 17-28(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Drew Ray Tanner

Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: Several along his body and torso

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: Several along his body and torso

Personality: Jaxon really is quite a bit of a jokester, taking humor and making jokes in stride, happening to like to lighten the mood a lot. He probably can't got a day without smiling and doing so. But despite this, the male also can get to be very easily flustered and will happen to stutter if he's caught off guard or taken by surprise when he doesn't know when the flirting's coming. Likewise though, Jaxon's also stubborn and bull-headed when necessary, a determined man and sticking to his words and not budging in that respect. This in turn has happened to get him into trouble though time and time again. And to go along with that, Jaxon is loyal, loyal through and through and won't stray from you. It'd end up hurting him if he ever so much as thought about that, knowing he'd feel terrible if it ever happened to him as well. And along with him being loyal, if necessary, he will fight for those he cares for. That's just him.

Likes: -Food-Swimming-His motorcycle-Going to the gym -His younger sister Briar and keeping her happy(in a platonic way of course)-Baking/cooking-Sweets-Sleeping in-Comedy-Making people laugh-Sports-Boxing

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-His motorcycle
-Going to the gym
-His younger sister Briar and keeping her happy(in a platonic way of course)
-Sleeping in
-Making people laugh

-Being ridiculed
-Being taken by surprise
-People messing with him
-The cold


-Seeing loved ones hurt
-Defenseless or helpless people

Weaknesses:-Food-Crying-Seeing loved ones hurt-Defenseless or helpless people-Animals-Family

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-Absent-minded at times

-Losing those he cares for
-Getting too close to somebody and then them leaving
-Screwing up

-Bringing up jokes at random
-Bites lower lip in thought
-Jumps when startled or surprised
-Clenches his hands into fists when angry and holding back emotions
-Closes eyes and counts to ten to try to calm down

Backstory: Jaxon was born on January 11th on a cold, crisp morning to his loving parents Selene and John Chambers. He had grown up in a small yet comfortable home with his little sister Briar who had been born several years after he had. Since then he's been super protective of her, caring for her and joking around. Their home was absolutely full of laughter, and it'd be unlikely there were ever fights, but when there were it usually would end with an ice cream cone, cause sweets were a big part in that household, but not everything. Whenever Jaxon would have a fight with his sister, somehow it would end up with them talking through it and how they felt at the time, no violence shown. They weren't a violent family to begin with.

Family:Briar Chambers-Younger sister-AliveSelene Chambers-Mother(55)-Alive John Chambers-Father(53)-Alive

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Briar Chambers-Younger sister-Alive
Selene Chambers-Mother(55)-Alive
John Chambers-Father(53)-Alive



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