~: Channing Drake Grey :~

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Full Name: Channing Drake Grey

-Chan Chan

Nickname(s):-Chan -Chan Chan

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Age: 18-29(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'6"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Tom Ellis

Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

Personality: Channing is fairly ambitious, confident and rather charming. He uses that normally to his advantage most often. He can be a little sweet sometimes, but that's only if those impenetrable walls are broken down. Well, maybe not totally impenetrable, but he does happen to put a facade up to avoid showing the other side of him or even to let somebody get close. The more sensitive side that he has hidden deep under all that exterior.  It isn't usually shown, his sensitive side that is. But on another hand, Channing's rather possessive. You so much as try to touch what's his, he won't allow it. But despite that, he would try to protect those he loves and cares for.

Likes: -Organization-Coffee-Sometimes getting lost in his work-Chinese food-Sweets-Spicy things-Flirting-Being a charmer-Mature people-Innocence-Respect-The colors navy blue, black and grey-Getting things done

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-Sometimes getting lost in his work
-Chinese food
-Spicy things
-Being a charmer
-Mature people
-The colors navy blue, black and grey
-Getting things done

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