~: Malik Alexander Jamison :~

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Full Name:  Malik Alexander Jamison

-Mal Mal

Nickname(s):-Mal Mal-Alex-Jamie

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Age: 16-25(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Dylan O'Brien

Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

Personality: Malik is, to say the least, a very happy-go-lucky guy. He happens to enjoy being around people, socializing and making friends. Many know of him as that social butterfly, but take that as you will. Despite him being social, he's actually extremely naive, and just a /tad/ bit on the ditzy side, which can make him an easy target to manipulate. In general he just wants to have a good time though, to spread his wings and enjoy his freedom to get to know new people and new things. His naivety gets to him in this sense too. But he's certainly not shy. If he were, something would have to had been seriously wrong. Either that, or he caught a crush on someone and just stuttered and stumbled over his words along the way, which could happen if he truly knew that you were flirting with him. It just may take him a little while to get the gist as to what's going on. Malik is a very energetic guy though, not usually one to sit in one place for very long, and usually will try to find something to occupy his time whether its twiddling his thumbs, daydreaming, or just finding something out of the blue that randomly amuses him. Which happens a lot actually. He has a small attention span, easily getting distracted by the littlest things, and will even light up from the littlest things.

 He has a small attention span, easily getting distracted by the littlest things, and will even light up from the littlest things

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