~: Samuel Grant Miller :~

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Full Name: Samuel Grant Miller

-Sam Sam

Nickname(s):-Sam-Sam Sam-Sammy

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Age: 17-27(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'8"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Scott Eastwood

Appearance/FaceClaim: Scott Eastwood

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

Personality: Chill, cool and collected would be the words to describe Samuel rather well for the most part. Well, despite the fact that he does happen to have a tendency to worry about other's well-being. In this sense, the guy is very empathetic, and can practically feel if others are hurting just by looking right at them. He's sweet, like that of sugar, to the point that it could give you a cavity. Samuel has a very gentle, calming nature or aura that radiates off of him when around others, and.. well.. /super/ protective. Like it can get a teeny bit scary the amount of protectiveness he has for those he cares for. This can entail with him getting into fights, and LOTS of them depending on the situation. Where his protective nature comes in, his jealous side will also be evident. That's probably by far his biggest problem is his jealous and protective nature, which can lead to that temper of his which is usually hidden deep down. He tries his best to avoid bad confrontations as much as possible, and to keep his temper in check.

 He tries his best to avoid bad confrontations as much as possible, and to keep his temper in check

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