~: Michael James Manson :~

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Full Name: Michael James Manson


Age: 17-26(Age will vary)

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Age: 17-26(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Jake T. Austin


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Personality: Michael's a little shy and can get flustered fairly easily

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Personality: Michael's a little shy and can get flustered fairly easily. Like real easily. It's to the point that if you so much as blatantly flirt with him, by the end of the conversation he'll probably be the color of that of a bright red tomato. Hook, line and sinker right there with that. Though, Michael can also be a little overbearing in the way that he jumps into situations rather quickly, not exactly thinking first before he acts. He's impulsive in that sense, and sometimes doesn't know when to shut up, not having much of a filter and when to stop speaking, that is unless you flirt with him. But this has gotten him into trouble time and time again, more times than he'd like to admit.

Likes: -Home-cooked meals -Food in general-Animals(especially dogs) -Playing the guitar-Skateboarding -Singing-Songwriting -Smoothies-Soda-The colors blue and green-Working out-Athletics-Sports-Helping others-Making friends

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-Home-cooked meals
-Food in general
-Animals(especially dogs)
-Playing the guitar
-The colors blue and green
-Working out
-Helping others
-Making friends

-Loud noises or sounds
-Being the center of any attention
-Being lied to
-Being looked down upon
-People messing with him purposely
-Bitter things
-Being underestimated
-Gold Diggers

-Defensive of those he loves


Flaws:-Will push his feelings down so he can help others-Temperamental-Headstrong-Impulsive-Stubborn/bull-headed

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-Will push his feelings down so he can help others

-Screwing up
-Hurting someone he cares about
-Losing everything
-Ending up alone
-Being given up on

-Jumping into situations too quickly
-Clenching his hands at his side when angry
-Blushing whenever blatantly flirted with

Backstory: Michael had been born on July 10th to Annabeth and Andrew Manson. He grew up in a large household, being his family was actually rather wealthy, but he never indulged too much on it. He had a happy life, but never really brought it up too much in his social life of the part of him and his family having wealth, given the fact that he just didn't want to be looked at differently, or being taken advantage of in that respect for people just caring about the money, so he usually kept that stuff more private and to himself.

 He had a happy life, but never really brought it up too much in his social life of the part of him and his family having wealth, given the fact that he just didn't want to be looked at differently, or being taken advantage of in that respect for ...

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Annabeth Manson-Mother(52)-Alive
Andrew Manson-Father(53)-Alive


Pet(s): Pongo

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