~: Russell Avery Brandt :~

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Full Name: Russell Avery Brandt

Nickname(s): Russ, Ave, Brandy

Age: 17-26(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Maurice Sinclair

Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: A few tattoos along his body

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: A few tattoos along his body

Personality: Russell's a bit peculiar you could say. He's quiet and reserved by himself, but in a social setting it's like a switch would be flipped, with his demeanor turning to a more sociable person. Social being he has a small habit to flirt. Well, maybe more than just a small habit. He happens to like to flirt. It gives him something to do socially than anything else, but not like he can't have a normal conversation with someone either cause he can. He just prefers the part of flirting cause it gives him a distraction. Funny thing on the other hand is he's a bit of a thrill seeker. He enjoys going on random, spontaneous trips just for the fun of it, and taking risks when he can. In his opinion to him it makes life livelier or more.. enjoyable. Many people wouldn't expect that from him on first meeting him considering he seems like more of a recluse upon meeting, keeping to himself and away from large groups. People wouldn't think he'd be the reckless type either due to his demeanor at first either, but he is.

Likes:-Excitement-Skateboarding-Going to the skatepark-Making friends-His phone-Camping-Exploring-Traveling-The outdoors-New things

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-Going to the skatepark
-Making friends
-His phone
-The outdoors
-New things

Likes:-Excitement-Skateboarding-Going to the skatepark-Making friends-His phone-Camping-Exploring-Traveling-The outdoors-New things

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