~: Celeste Aurielle Mirabella :~

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Full Name: Celeste Aurielle Mirabella

-Little Ray of Sun

Nickname(s):-Cel-Lesty-Little Ray of Sun

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Age: 17-28(Age will vary)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1"

Sexuality: Bisexual(male lean)

Appearance/FaceClaim: Olivia Holt

Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

Personality: Celeste is, on a normal basis a very sweet and gentle soul, trying her best whenever she can to help others as much and whenever she absolutely can. She's got a tender heart, caring for others as much as physically possible. She may also be a tad bit shy, and not all the time the best in social situations, but that still won't stop the girl from making new friends with others. And if at all you're hurting, she would be that person to be right there to be that shoulder to cry on. She will also try to do the right thing, and if pushed, will stand up for what she believes in. And when this happens and if she's pushed too far, you'll know it, as the whole room will go silent when this shy girl speaks out.

Likes: -Drawing-Art-Poetry-Photography -Watching sunsets-The occasional comedy movie-Chocolates and other sweets-Nature-Helping people-Making friends-Learning new things

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-Watching sunsets
-The occasional comedy movie
-Chocolates and other sweets
-Helping people
-Making friends
-Learning new things

-Open Water(moreso like a fear of what lurks in the ocean)
-Sour things(food-wise)
-Being left alone for long periods of time


-People hurting
-Her art

Weaknesses:-Family-Friends-People hurting-Tears/crying-Animals-Sweets-Her art

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-Easily manipulated
-Too trusting
-Slight bit of a pushover

-Horror movies
-The dark
-The ocean
-Loud noises
-Losing loved ones
-Being isolated or left alone for a long period of time

-Biting her lower lip in deep thought or just at random occasions
-Fidgets with her sleeves when in awkward situations and such
-Will cry if surprised or scared enough
-Will apologize over the smallest things

Backstory: Celeste had grown up in a wonderful, loving and very nurturing home. Her birth was a little later than planned though, but her parents didn't mind. She was born on April 16th, several years before her sister Kyla came into their lives. They really were a very loving family, and took good care of each other. Part of that had been due to Celeste's mother having been a nurse and having a knack for naturally caring for people, which was a trait that had been passed down to Celeste as well. Her mother was her role model in the way of caring, and hoping to one day be like her but with a career change. Celeste was more inclined for art than medical knowledge.

Family:Kyla Mirabella-Sister-Alive Christine Mirabella-Mother(53)-AliveGeorge Mirabella-Father(55)-Alive

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Kyla Mirabella-Sister-Alive
Christine Mirabella-Mother(53)-Alive
George Mirabella-Father(55)-Alive



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