~: Elijah Drew Michaels :~

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Full Name: Elijah Drew Michaels


Age: 17-28(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10"

Sexuality: Bisexual(But leans more toward males)

Appearance/FaceClaim: Diydan Lopez

Appearance/FaceClaim: Diydan Lopez

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Personality: Elijah to say the least is a very considerate guy. He cares for many others and is selfless in that respect. He'd be the type of person you'd see volunteering at an animal shelter, homeless shelter or working to help in a food pantry. Though if he's not doing that he would probably be found playing sports and socializing. Elijah's definitely a people person. He prefers getting to know new people and to make new friends. He would be that person to walk right up to someone in order to start up a conversation over just about anything. But although he has that going for him, the guy doesn't have much of a filter, saying things that pop into his mind before he even so much as considers if they're right or not. This also includes some inappropriate or at times uncomfortable topics, but not triggering. If he ever did that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself, and would immediately apologize almost profusely over the littlest things if they end up offending somebody. He doesn't mean to offend at all, just sometimes it ends up coming out of his mouth wrong and people happen to take it the wrong way at times.

Likes:-Socializing-Making friends-Talking to people-Meeting new people-Carnivals-Having fun-Helping others-Animals-Cooperation-Getting to know new people-Cotton candy-Ice cream-Sweets in general

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-Making friends
-Talking to people
-Meeting new people
-Having fun
-Helping others
-Getting to know new people
-Cotton candy
-Ice cream
-Sweets in general

Likes:-Socializing-Making friends-Talking to people-Meeting new people-Carnivals-Having fun-Helping others-Animals-Cooperation-Getting to know new people-Cotton candy-Ice cream-Sweets in general

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