~: Naomi Clarice Winchester :~

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Full Name: Naomi Clarice Winchester


Age: 16-25(Age will vary)

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Age: 16-25(Age will vary)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0"

Sexuality: Bisexual(But leans more toward males)

Appearance/FaceClaim: Natalia Dyer

Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

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Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Marks: None

Personality: Naomi is purely a gentle soul, always caring and tending to those in need when she can. She more often tries to uplift others and bears quite an optimistic view on life. She will try her very best to be there for people when she can and doesn't want to see others hurting. If she can, she'll try to find a way to make it better for them in any way possible. Though, that's where her naiveness comes in as her need to care for others can end up making her easily manipulated by those trying to purposely hurt. She won't know, as all she's really grown up knowing is love. Love and care.

Likes: -Animals-Flowers-Caring for others-Being there for those in need-Sweets -Pastel colors-Stars-The night sky-Cats and Dogs-Bunnies-Animals-Making friends-Helping people-Cuddles-Piggyback rides-Baking and cooking-Nature

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-Caring for others
-Being there for those in need
-Pastel colors
-The night sky
-Cats and Dogs
-Making friends
-Helping people
-Piggyback rides
-Baking and cooking

-When people are down
-Others being harmed in any way, shape or form
-Seeing others cry
-Being kept in the dark
-Sour things
-Somebody messing with her friends
-Being excluded
-Loud noises

-Easily pleased

-Her obedience
-Innocent people
-Somebody hurting
-Somebody in pain
-Can be easily flustered
-Loved ones
-Can be easily manipulated

Weaknesses:-Her obedience-Innocent people-Somebody hurting-Somebody in pain -Crying-Children-Animals-Can be easily flustered-Loved ones-Can be easily manipulated

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-Easily manipulated
-Trusts way too easily
-Easy to deceive
-Too soft-hearted

-Being alone
-The dark
-Loud noises
-Losing her loved ones
-Letting people down

-Bites her lower lip in thought or at random
-Runs a hand through her hair
-Fidgets with the fabric of her clothes at times in awkward or random situations
-Caring for other people
-Will apologize over the littlest things
-Will take the blame for others

Backstory: Naomi had been born to Noelle and James Winchester on a warm Spring morning in March. She was born on March 11th, three years after her older brother Michael had been born. Naomi had grown up in a warm and loving home with a very strong foundation, as well as a rather very protective environment too. Her brother especially is very protective of her, having a good bond with Naomi while they grew up together.

Family:Michael Winchester-Older Brother-AliveNoelle Winchester-Mother(52)-AliveJames Winchester-Father(53)-Alive

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Michael Winchester-Older Brother-Alive
Noelle Winchester-Mother(52)-Alive
James Winchester-Father(53)-Alive


Pet(s): Cinnabon

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