It's Corona Time Short story

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Well, I've lived for forests for my whole life. I've experienced the lush, green forest growing along with me. I've heard from my parents that there is a world called as human world. I don't know much about humans as we live in dense part of the forest and I've seen a human just once in my entire life. But I've heard how they make pollution. But nowadays my parents keep on saying that the pollution is reduced and we no longer feel suffocation. My daily work is to collect bananas, have a bat with my friends in the nearby river in the middle of this forest and play most of the time. I love to live here but I've always dreamt of visiting human settlements.

My friend Gajraj and a few others came with a loud sound calling me and I could see my friend's trunk from a distance. He came to me and told excitedly," I've got news that because of some disease the humans aren't coming out of their house. For the first time, we can see their settlements and be safe." I went with them very ecstatic about my dream coming true. I saw huge amount of concrete in front of me. My friends said they are houses where we can't go. I was a but disappointed but let that topic go and roamed finding some places where I could play. I threw different things here and there and found various foods to eat. I loved my adventure. Then we came over water where I could see a bridge to cross. I walked on it and later on took bath on a place called beach by my friends. But then my happiness was short lived as some humans dressed in brown coloured clothes beat us and made us go back to the forest again.

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