Will I lose him?

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It's 6.30 pm on 17th May. I can see it in my phone and that's when the scene changes making me scared to the core. The truck is running on the road. Oh no!!! It's breaks have failed. It's rushing towards Jake while Jake is moving towards me and doesn't even notice it... And I woke up. Sweat covering my whole body. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

As long as I can remember, I've been able to see accidents before they happen. I have seen my neighbors die, my friends die and my family die as well. But this time I am thoroughly frightened I visualized the person whom I love the most die.

I and Jake have been friends from childhood but I never really got a chance to tell him that I love him. But right now we are really close friends. He has been the only constant in my life and I don't want to lose him. But what should I do? It's already 15th May. Our summer vacation is going on.

I went to his house to meet him as soon as I was ready. We had decided to plan a vacation along with some friends. He was helping me like always when I suddenly asked him," Whom do you love the most?" I awaited his answer and.... he said,"you." I was unable to get a word out of my happiness which I found leaving me at the same time. But then I told him,"I love you too." His face stretched into the biggest smile ever when he hugged me too tightly. We spent the whole day cuddled up together.

The day of the accident that is 17th June came.It was dawn yet I was very scared. I told as soon as I saw him that I wanted to stay by his side for the whole day. He was confused but didn't question me.

I made his breakfast in the morning. Slowly evening approached. It was 6:00 and he suddenly disappeared. I went downstairs in the roadside and searched for him. It became 6.25... I became more and more anxious and frightened. I saw him in front of my eyes. He was crossing the road to come near me and... and the truck came rushing towards Jake. I jumped in front and pushed Jake aside. Jake's face was the last thing I saw before closing my eyes relieved that I saved him.

I woke up to the beeping machines slowly opening my eyes only to find my hand entwined with his. He was sleeping by my side and I could see how tears had flown through his eyes with bags showing how he'd received no sleep rather than this once. He slowly opened his eyes and was too happy to see that I woke up.

I'd been in coma for almost a week and another month at the hospital. But all of it was worth to save the love of my life.

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