First day

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Expectations are really crucial, let me tell you. They may inspire you at times but they may even pressurise you to the extent you may never expect. 

Walking towards my new school, the only thought that engulfed me was, 'Will I be successful in reaching up to the par with my parents expectation?' This school looks just so highly posh from outside... will the students here accept me? I've heard here arts and music mean nothing then how will I survive? I shook my head trying to get rid of these pessimistic thoughts and stepped inside. The kids looked like they ha pasted fake smiles all over their faces while they scanned me from head to toe. I was already regretting the decision to enter this place. 

I slowly made my way towards the reception to get my schedule even though I'm sure even reading lectures may confuse at this point. 

I looked at my schedule reading it slowly while a girl who was dressed normal, not like a rich one was supposed to guide me. She had a friendly smile which did not appear to be fake and that's how I made my first friend. Her name was Riya and when I told her about my problem, she readily agreed to help.

Maybe this new start won't be too bad.

Forget what I said before. Its a torture, sitting in my English class. The letters in my book were just floating in the air and I couldn't understand a single word. 

I looked at my schedule and noticed one more thing. I had no art classes. 

I decided to explore around during lunch break when my eyes suddenly fell on a room with the door wide open. The room was so clean without a speck of dust and there were the musical instruments. I slowly entered it and my hands itself positioned them on the piano. I started played and was so engrossed in it that I didn't notice the other students piling up for their lecture as the break was over and the teacher who had been witnessing me playing for quite some time. He patted my head and appreciated my efforts.

And he was the one who requested my parents to enroll me in his class which made my life take a turn for the better.

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