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Alfred yawned, pushing himself up as he heard the alarms. Ivan woke up too, moving his arm from where it was draped over his stomach. A few sleepy kisses later and the two started doing their morning routine, Alfred occasionally getting kisses pressed into his neck or shoulders whenever Ivan passed him.

He got pressed against the door as he was about to go out, his lips getting attacked by a passionate kiss. He was able to feel Ivan's teeth scrape against his own, and he gripped onto Ivan's shoulders before Ivan's head dropped, nuzzling in the crook between Alfred's neck and shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Ivan said in reply, his voice muffled from where it was buried in Alfred's skin. Ivan backed away and started messing with the off the shoulder sleeves of his shirt, Alfred just watching him.

"Beautiful," Ivan said, kissing his cheek, "what would I do without you by my side?"

"I don't know," Alfred replied, kissing him between the eyebrows, "what would you do?"

"Be alone," Ivan replied, "only have Lampushka. He is good company, but he can't beat you."

"Aw," Alfred said, "wanna know what I'd be without you?"


"Dead," Alfred whispered into his ear as Ivan stiffened, Alfred getting more smashed against the door. Alfred started to trail his hand down his jaw, "you saved my life."

Ivan calmed down after a few seconds, pressing a hard kiss against the top of Alfred's neck before backing off. Alfred grabbed him by the hands and pulled him back, knitting his fingers into his hair to pull him down so he could kiss him.

"You are so tiny, little kitten," Ivan said, standing up tall. Alfred's head was at about the height of his shoulder. He got a glare in reply, which he laughed at before bending down to Alfred's height, getting a happy peck on the lips.

"C'mon," Alfred whined, "they're going to be out of bacon."

Ivan just shook his head, knowing how Alfred got about food before opening the door for him, Alfred walking out with a small curtsy to him, Hero and Lampushka and the birds following behind.

They walked hand in hand down the hallway, Alfred leaning his head on his shoulder. Rulyn winked at him and he giggled, the two having a small ASL conversation before Rulyn shook her head and left, in much better spirits than she'd been in thirteen or so days.

Lani said hi too, as they were walking by, Bodaway following her example. It seemed friendlier now, the air seemed lighter.

When they got down to the first floor they saw nations around. Latvia was with Alaska and Hawaii, listening to them talk with wide eyes. That was never good. England and France stood side by side, talking with Noah. England seemed surprised that Roanoke was personified, well, at least until Croatoan showed up and dragged Noah away to go help her with... 'avintan'.

"What's avintan?" Ivan whispered.

"A type of rope made from a tree that only grows in the spirit realm, it grows flowers all along it when you wet it," Alfred explained quickly, continuing to walk to the dining hall, "it's only used for weddings."

"Oh," Ivan replied as they got into the hall. There were people he'd never seen around before, another wendigo, two deer women, another wampus cat, and a few werewolves and other types of demon. Even an angel with mallard duck wings and another with hummingbird wings.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Davie watching the other two bird people, flapping his wings. His feathers were cut, he wouldn't be able to fly for some time. Out of it all, he noticed that he looked sad.

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