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Alfred held his throat, gagging into the toilet, Rulyn staring at him before rolling her eyes.

"That won't make them like you."

"Shut up," he growled, his voice cracking. She didn't look impressed, picking her nails lazily.

"What form do you want me in? Human or wolf?"

"Human, but keep your ears and tail out, eyes need to stay green."

"Understood, sir," she said, "I need to go change my pants."

Alfred flushed the toilet, walking out of the bathroom and seeing some of the states running around in an excited manner. All the nations, here? They were excited, living here tended to get dull, being so isolated.

It had been a week since Ivan left. Five days since the other nations. Each needed to prepare for the meeting. The only one who stayed was Natalia, who could work from here better than she could in her country.

He missed Ivan. All the other nations, not so much.

He hoped he remembered how to get back into the valley without the aura being distracting. How he had to focus on the fountain so it wouldn't affect him. He only told Toris and Lovino this information as well, before they left.

Italy arrived first, not very surprising since Lovino was with him. Spain had come with them, and Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Prussia were apparently driving behind.

Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, and Finland came next, before Toris came with Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile.

"I knew you had it in you!" Were Brazil's first words as soon as he saw the host country, "Having a secret house full of secret kids and secret siblings is totally your style- hang on-"

Oh dear.

"Você consegue me entender?" he said, and Alfred nodded.

"Yes, I can understand you, I speak Portugese," Alfred sighed, and Brazil smiled in a way that made America remember he was kinda off his rocker constantly, "Por que você precisa saber? (Why do you need to know?)"

"Curiosidade, (Curiosity)" he shrugged, smirking before his face went from normal to panicked, "Wait that means you understood me-"

"When you were talking shit, yes, I could understand you," America smiled, "but the past is behind us, yes?"

"Sim (Yes)," Brazil said before looking him up and down, "I think your stripes are cool."

"Thank you," Alfred giggled, smiling. He sounded like a five-year-old trying to compliment someone.

"Ooh who are you~" Pennsylvania purred, pink eyes slitted like snakes as she looked him over. The Brazilian didn't know how to react so he just let the albino do what she wished with him.

"Is this Prussia's child?"

"Yes," America replied, "Pennsylvania, go bother your siblings, this is a diplomatic endeavor."

"You say big words like you think I know what they mean."

"Scram," America said, as she pouted before seeing Delaware and getting a truly evil look in her eyes.

Nations arrived. Mostly in groups. Nobody really knew where they were going either, so he had to send Jersey, Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington to make sure they didn't get lost, as those children were least likely to blow up a car.

Least likely.

He still didn't trust them and set one of his siblings with wings to go make sure they didn't do something of the sorts.

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