Act I: Chapter 6

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(Perspective: Ink)

I couldn't believe Error had found a way to indirectly get to this world. This could be very bad. Any moment now, he could break into this world and destroy it. But now wasn't a good time to worry about it too much. I trusted Adeleine with what she was doing. After a bit of walking, we arrived at the next town, Resolution Road.

"Well, here we are," Adeleine said, "Be careful. There are Waddle Dees driving cars here." That didn't seem like a big problem to me at first, but then later while we were walking down the street, I got a bit carried away and walked into the road. A Waddle Dee driving a car came speeding down the streets. Adeleine quickly pulled me out of the way.

"Careful," she said, "I don't want you to get hurt now."

"Sorry," I said, "I have a slight case of short-term memory loss. Sometimes I forget things."

"It's okay," Adeleine said, "I understand. Maybe let's look before we cross the street."

"Okay," I said. After walking around for a while, we were interrupted.

"Well, if it isn't the famous artist herself," a voice said from out of sight. Then, a group of mouse people, I think, walked into our sight. There was a gray one wearing a red cape and hat, a big fat blue one with sunglasses, a small yellow one with sunglasses and sharp claws, and one floating in a UFO? I was super confused by that.

"What do you know? It's the pipsqueaks," Ribbon said, "Why don't you guys go get lost in the cheese factory or something?" That offended them.

"Did your parents ever teach you about manners?" the main one said. Then, he looked at me.

"Hmm," he continued, "You must be new here. Allow us to introduce ourselves! I'm Daroach, the leader. Here is Spinni, the Speed, Storo, the Brawn, and Doc, the Brains. Together, we are the Squeaks!"

"Um," I said nervously, "Nice to meet you?"

"Listen," Adeleine said, "We're actually very busy right now. Do you think you could maybe go home or come back later?"

"Nonsense!" Daroach answered, "You know why we're here, right? We're here for your paintbrush. Must I tell you the tragic story of how I lost my paintbrush? It's very sad." We looked at each other, and then looked back at the Squeaks.

"We're good," I said, "Let's just keep walking." We started to walk past them, but then they rushed in front of us.

"Are you really going to leave without putting up a fight first?!" Daroach asked.

"I don't know about you, but we're not in the mood for a fight," Meta Knight answered.

"Then consider the battle lost!" Daroach shouted, "We are not letting you pass without a fight!" I pulled out my paintbrush Broomie.

"Then we'll fight back!" I shouted back.

"Ink, are you serious?" Ribbon said, "These are dangerous thieves. Do you realize what you're getting into?"

"I've been through worse," I responded, "This will be nothing compared to Error."

"If you say so," Ribbon said. Everyone else pulled out their weapons.

"If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you get!" I said. Then, the Squeaks pulled out some bombs.

"Then let's have a blast!" Daroach said. They started to throw the bombs at us. Adeleine swooped in front of us and hit the bombs away with her paintbrush.

"Thanks," I said to Adeleine.

"Anytime," she said, "Now get ready to attack! I'll go for the big blue one. You three handle the rest."

ArtistTale: Ink and AdeleineWhere stories live. Discover now