Final Act: Chapter 21

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(Perspective: Adeleine)

Our final battle was moments away from beginning as we docked on the landing platform of the Haltmann Space Station.

"Where did you see us getting the Friend Star?" I asked Blue as we were leaving the ship.

"That part of the vision is still a bit cloudy," she answered, "I'll be sure to let you know as soon as we're closer." I looked around the room as we headed towards a cylinder shaped elevator. The walls were gray and metallic, but also had hints of pink with a large Haltmann logo on each wall.

"This place is cool!" PJ shouted as he started running around like a little kid.

"Be careful!" Ink said to him, "I don't want you to-" PJ tripped and face palmed the floor.

"Trip," Ink finished. PJ got up and started crying.

"Are you okay?" Ink asked him. PJ ran over to him and hugged his legs tightly, his tears soaking Ink's pants.

"PJ, it's best to listen to daddy," Ink said, "You could get hurt." PJ let go and wiped his wiped his tears away.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's alright," Ink replied.

"You know, for a place that hasn't been used a lot, it looks pretty nice," Daroach acknowledged.

"It makes sense," Ribbon said, "Not a lot can really damage this place, due to most animals living on planets and a janitor that comes here every once in a while."

"No, somehow I don't think that's it," Blue said, "I sense someone else's presence here, not just the janitor's. Let's go to the elevator and see what's up there." Getting in the elevator was a bit tight, and there was an awkward silence for about 2 minutes. After that, we arrived in the central area of the space station. There was a large glass window surrounding the spherical room where we could view the stars and planets. My mouth nearly dropped as I got a good look of the breathtaking view. I could see our planet and many others that were nearby. The stars shined brighter than diamonds.

"Wow," I said, "This is incredible." The rest of the gang joined me as we peered out the window.

"Is this your first time getting a good view from outer space?" Blue asked me.

"I believe so," I answered, "I never thought it would be so amazing."

"Adeleine's right," Dream said, "This view is out of this world." Blue snickered at his unintentional pun. Dream blushed slightly.

"You might want to get a good look at it," Ink suggested, "I don't think we'll seeing a view like this for a while."

"Seeing views like these are some of the many wonders of the universe," Meta Knight stated.

"Dad! Look! I can see Planet Popstar!" PJ shouted as he pointed to the star shaped planet.

"That's right," Ink said, "We were just there not too long ago." I took a step back.

"Shall we get going now?" I asked, "We need to stop Error before he corrupts this universe."

"I believe so," Blue answered, "There should be an exit to this room somewhere nearby. My visions say that it will lead us to the Friend Star." We headed towards the only other exit in the room.

"If my vision is correct, we should be meeting a familiar face when we arrive at the end of this hallway," Blue explained, "This very inconveniently long hallway." As we walked down the hallway, I held on to Ink's hand as I saw the metallic wall colors begin to fade away to white. Before I knew it, everyone had disappeared. I looked around. All I could see was a white void.

"Hello?!" I called out, hoping for a response.




But nobody came.

I decided that it was best to keep walking. I was determined that I would find them again. As I continued walking, the white color around me started to form a scenery of some sort. It was hard to tell where I was at first, but then I realized I was at the dance party back in Rhythm Route, except something was off. Everything was gray, and there was a severe lack of people. Then, I saw Francisca floating about six feet in front of me. The sad look on her face spoke to me as if I had done something wrong to her.

"How's your time with them?" she asked me, "How's your time with them without me?!" I scratched my head in confusion.

"I don't understand," I said, "I wanted you to come with us."

"Then why did you let me die?!" she shouted with sadness and anger, "I believed that after freeing me from Error, I would be able to live the rest of my life happily. I made it pretty far on our journey, until you let me die!"

"Francisca, that wasn't my fault," I tried to explain, "I couldn't be in two places at once."

"And yet, you had a secret power that could have saved me!" Francisca continued, "You're a Fairy Eater! You could've used your hidden power to bring me back to life, but you didn't! Now, it's time you payed for your sins!" She pulled out her weapon and pointed at me. A bit confused and scared, I pulled out my paintbrush and turned it into a sword.

"I don't want to do this," I said, "But I will if I have to." I swung my sword at Francisca. She blocked the attack and summoned some icicles, which she proceeded to fire at me. I dodged the attack and started dashing towards her. As I swung my sword at her, it phased right through her, and then she disappeared into a cloud of smoke. I became more confused than I already was. Then, it hit me.

None of it was real.

It was all an illusion. But there had to be a way to escape it. I ran out of the dance hall and back into the white void. As I did, another illusion appeared to me as the guilt of my past crawled on my back. 

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