Final Act: Chapter 23

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(Perspective: Adeleine)

As Ink and I continued to hug, the scenery around us started to wipe away, revealing a dark throne room like area. Every illusion we saw started to disappear. The only things that were truly real were me, Ink, Blue, and PJ. Not long afterwards, Ribbon, Meta Knight, Dream, and Daroach appeared into the scene. I looked forward and saw a teenaged looking girl sitting on a throne. She wore a dark outfit resembling armor with a black skirt and boots showing some skin between her skirt and boots. She wore a dark red cape held together by a pendant with a red heart on it. Her hair was teal and was eye popping compared to her mostly red and black color scheme.

“Greetings,” she said to us, “My name is Rosie, the Star Fairy of Determination.”

“Rosie? What happened to your hair?” Blue asked, “I remember it being more red.”

“Sadly, my Determination is slowly fading away,” Rosie explained, “By the time it’s all gone, I will become a SOUL of Hesitance. I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you with those visions. That power was not mine, but rather the SOUL of Deception’s power.”

“How did you get a SOUL of Deception?” Ink asked, “Because those visions certainly weren’t pleasant to see.”

“I know, and I’m sorry,” Rosie stated, “If I tell you some words of wisdom, will you forgive me? I also know the whereabouts of Error. He recently visited me and told me his plan.”

“Sure,” I answered, “After all, the fate of all AUs are in our hands.”

“So, what kind of words of wisdom are you going to give us?” Ribbon asked, “It better not be incredibly boring because I’m not a big fan of that.” Daroach nudged her lightly.

“Don’t be rude,” he said to her, “That’s no way to talk to a goddess.”

“Sorry,” Ribbon replied.

“Thank you,” Rosie began, “Now let me tell you a bit of a story. The reason that Ink and Adeleine were able to meet was because of an experiment I did back in the AU ArtistTale. I was trying to find a way to bring all of the worlds together, but ultimately destroyed our own AU in the process. Bringing the worlds together allowed us to create AUs with people not from our multiverse, like Undertoad, UnderBound, Spongetale, just to name a few. Every universe is connected to each other in one way or another. However, it is not always wise to do so. Ink, what you did was a good choice. You were left with nowhere else to go. Here, you met new friends, discovered new places, and even got a full SOUL. Don’t ever regret your choice of doing this. Yes, I’m aware of the mistake you made, but you’re trying to fix it. It doesn’t matter about what happened to you in the past. What’s most important is where you are now. These are your people. You’re with them now. Don’t ever forget that. Adeleine, you are very special, being both human and Star Fairy. You must use your powers wisely and protect the ones you love. Blue, use your powers to change the future. You are only one of a few who has that power. Dream, never let Negative emotions get the best of you. You four will be the ones to defeat Error. I just know you won’t let me down.”

“Um, excuse me?” Daroach interrupted abruptly, “I think you forgot about us. Don’t forget that we helped them get this far as well.”

“I have not forgotten about you,” Rosie responded patiently, “The goal for the remainder of you is to support them in the final battle that is yet to come. Remember to catch them when they fall and heal their wounds when wounded. I believe that is all the wisdom I can offer at the moment.”

“Thank you,” Ink said as he bowed down to her. The rest of us proceeded to do the same.

“Now, before my Determination depletes, I grant you one last thing,” Rosie continued, “The Friend Star.” She held her hand out and created a small orb of light. She tossed it into the air and it formed into a star shaped vehicle known as the Friend Star.

“This will provide you with the power to defeat Error,” Rosie explained, “But only true friendship will be able to use its power to the fullest.”

“How portable is it?” PJ asked, “Because it looks like it’s very heavy.”

“I doubt it’s super heavy,” Ink answered, “It looks like I can carry it just fine.”

“Thank you once again,” I said to Rosie, “I promise that we won’t let you down. Remember, stay determined.” I added a little wink afterwards. Rosie smiled softly.

“That’s very kind of you,” she said, “Now, please go. Error should be on the top floor with a portal leading to another dimension. You can take the elevator on the right. It should take you directly to the top floor.” Ink grabbed the Friend Star and then we all ran to the elevator. Unlike the last one, there was plenty of room in the rectangular moving box, including enough room for the Friend Star. As we were heading up, I noticed Dream twiddling his boney thumbs.

“Hey, Dream,” I said softly, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” he responded, “I just need to tell Blue something.”

“What did you want to tell me?” Blue asked. Dream blushed.

“Um,” he began, “I think I like you, like more than just a friend.” Blue flinched slightly.

“Uh, wow,” she said, “I had no idea you felt that way about me. Then again, I saw visions of you confessing your love. I wish I could feel the same way for you.” Dream smiled desperately.

“Please?” he said as his golden eyes sparkled. Blue didn’t respond. The elevator dinged.

“This is it,” Ink said, “After this point, there’s no turning back. Is everyone ready?” We all nod our heads.

“Then let’s go,” Ink continued, “The final battle is about to begin.”

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