Act III: Chapter 15

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(Perspective: Adeleine)

The train ride was peaceful for the most of it. There was one point where Daroach and Ribbon got in a huge fight, but Blue was able to calm them down. On the train, we each sat at two tables. I sat at the table with all the Sanses while Daroach, Meta Knight, Ribbon, and Blue sat at the other table.

"So, you must be Dream Sans," I clarified to Dream, "When I first saw you, I thought you were a girl."

"Happens all the time," Dream replied, "It's because of what I'm wearing, isn't it."

"Something like that," Ink responded.

"So, you're Ink's girlfriend," Dream said, "He sure is lucky to have someone like you." I blushed slightly.

"Aww thanks," I said, "Anyways, Dream, do you have a special someone yet?" Dream turned his head and blushed.

"Well, I kind of have a crush on Blue," he answered, "But I don't think she's notices me that much."

"That's okay," I said, "Maybe what you need to do is buy her some flowers or a present or something." Dream smiled warmly.

"Thanks for the advice," he said, "I'll see what I can do."

"Anytime," I responded, "If you need romance advice, you can always ask me." Suddenly, the movement of the train drastically slowed down.

"I think we're almost here," Ink said.

"Me too," I replied, "By the time we get there, all we have to do is give Susie the gem apples and then we can go to space and reawaken Galactic Nova. Everything will be just fine." Then, the train stopped.

"We're here," Blue said, "Let's get off now." After we got off, something seemed off about Cappy Town. The nice and warm colors it used to have had become dark and grim. Storm clouds surrounded the sky. Lightning bolts struck everywhere.

"Or maybe not," I said, "We need to ask around town and see what happened."

"Easier said than done," Ribbon remarked, "There's barely any people here. They must all be hiding." I peered over the area searching for a person. I saw a young Cappy boy hiding behind a tree covering his face. I quickly ran over to him.

"Hey," I said softly, "Do you mind telling us what happened?" The boy uncovered his face and looked at me.

"Evil skeletons came into town and attacked us," he explained as he trembled, "They headed for the king's castle. They're going to try to kill King Dedede, at least that's the what the skeleton with the bloody knife said."

"Thank you for letting us know," I told him. I walked back to the others.

"Change of plans," I said, "We are going to have to save King Dedede first."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Daroach said, "We're like the most powerful people ever."

"You're not wrong," Blue said to Daroach, "I'm pretty powerful."

"Then let's go," Ink said, "Error can't keep doing this to us. This has gone on long enough." We ran towards the castle as fast we could. On our way there, we were stopped by Horror, Dust, and Killer Sans. They were standing in front of the castle.

"Let us pass please," Ribbon demanded. All three of them shrugged their shoulders.

"I'm afraid we can't do that," Killer said as liquid black Hate spilled from his eyes.

"I hate to be that guy, but you guys appear to have left your weapons at home," Daroach said, "How are you going to take us on without any weapons?"

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