Final Act: Final Chapter

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(Perspective: Adeleine)

As we started to walk away, I turned my head around and saw the dust from Error start to swirl around like a tornado.

"Oh no," I said as my eyes thinned. Everyone turned around and gasped.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Ink asked me.

"I, don't know," I answered. Eventually, all of the dust reformed back into Void Soul. Chills crawled down my back.

"Ink!" I shouted, "Hand me the Star Rod and get out of here as fast as possible!" Ink looked concerned and refused to move.

"But what about you?" he asked me, "Shouldn't you go too?"

"I'm sorry," I said to him, "But the only way to defeat Void Soul is by blasting him with light as strong as a Supernova. Blue, remember our promise?" Blue looked at me with concern.

"I couldn't possibly do that," she said as if she was about to cry. Ink turned to Blue.

"What promise did you make?!" he asked her, "Dream, did you know about this?!" Dream began to have golden tears run down his face.

"It's not okay," he said, "I can feel it." Ink looked back at me.

"It will be fine, right?" he asked me, "You'll come back, and then we can live happily."

"I'm not sure I know the answer," I told him, "It requires a lot of light to take it down. It may even cost my own life. I can't say for sure." Hearing those words, Ink's eyes began to flood with tears.

"No!" he shouted as he ran towards me, "I'm coming with you! We promised that we would do this together!" As soon as he got to me, I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"I love you," he told me, "I don't want anything bad to happen to you." I smiled slightly and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too," I told him, "Which is why I need you to leave and be somewhere safe. Now, please give me the Star Rod." Ink handed it to me without hesitation.

"Goodbye," I said as I waved. Blue then Blue SOULed Ink and pulled him towards them. They then walked out through the portal, closing it behind them. It was just me and Void Soul now. I charged up all of the light energy I had inside me. Void Soul fired a beam of darkness at me. I counterattacked by firing all of the light energy I had inside me. I gave it everything I got, but the darkness started to grow stronger.

"No!" I shouted, "I won't give up! If I die, I'll let everyone down, especially Ink. I can't lose to this monster. No, to this demon. To whatever you are. I will not lose!" Determination began to flow through me, granting me the strength I needed. Using its power and the power of the Star Rod, I created a bigger blast of energy creating the power of a supernova. Its power completely wiped out Void Soul. However, all of the damage I did to it also did a lot of damage to me. I started breathing heavily as I transformed back into my human form. Exhausted from the blast, I fell to my knees. I felt like this was it for me. I destroyed Void, but I feared I wouldn't be able to make it back to see Ink. I looked ahead and saw a figure walking towards me. I thought I was hallucinating because they were walking in midair. But as they got closer, I realized who they were.

"Thanks for bringing back my Determination," she told me with a smile. It was Rosie, except her hair appeared to be red instead of teal.

"Rosie?" I said, "How did you know where to find me?"

"I lurk around sometimes," she answered, "But wow. You look beaten up."

"I unleashed light as powerful as a supernova," I told her, "I don't think I have the strength to live any longer."

"But you do," Rosie said, "Being half human and half Star Fairy allows your body to regenerate all of your wounds when near death. However, this does not make you immortal." After she said those words, my body began to regenerate my strength. I stood up quickly.

"Wow," I said, "I did not expect that to happen. But what do I do now?"

"It's time for you to go home and find Ink," she told me, "I know that he misses you." She pointed her hand out and opened a portal back to Planet Popstar.

"Before I go, there's one thing I wanted to ask you," I told Rosie, "What happened to all of the timelines and the bad Sanses?"

"I've got it all taken care of," Rosie answered, "While Error may be gone, the bad Sanses all returned to their respective AUs. Don't worry about it. What's important is that you go home now."

"Okay," I replied, "That's all I wanted to know. Thanks again." Rosie waved goodbye as I walked through the portal and back to Planet Popstar.


I woke up to bright morning sun. A whole day had passed since I got home and I hadn't seen Ink or the others yet. I quickly got dressed and headed outside to see if I could find them. It was slightly chilly, but also warm at the same time. I walked forward and saw Ribbon and Daroach waiting by Kawasaki's.

"Um, hi," I greeted, "Have you seen Ink anywhere?" They turned around.

"Adeleine!" Ribbon said, sounding surprised, "You're alive?! Ink is going to be happy to hear that."

"However, I don't we've seen him," Daroach answered, "Only where he was heading."

"Where would that be?" I asked.

"I saw him head towards the beach," Ribbon told me, "He's been crying an awful lot today. Probably misses you. I've honestly never seen someone cry so much."

"Oh," I responded, "I better go find him then." I started to head that way when I ran into Meta Knight.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"I gotta find Ink," I told him, "I heard he was at the beach. He was crying a lot."

"Did Ribbon tell you that?" Meta Knight asked, "You know how she likes to lie, right?"

"I guess you're right," I said, "But I still gotta find him." As I was moments away from reaching the beach, I saw Blue looking at the ocean on the dock. I quickly ran over to her.

"What are you looking at?" I asked her. She turned around.

"I wasn't looking at anything in particular," Blue answered, "I was just pondering some thoughts, mostly about what Dream Sans said to me."

"What was that?" I asked.

"Dream said that he loved me," she told me, "Do you think that's true? I'm just having a hard time feeling the same way for him."

"Oh," I said, "Well, I'm sure in due time you'll know how you truly feel."

"Okay," she replied, "I think you should go find Ink now. He'll be happy to see you." I nod my head and then ran the other way.

When I arrived at the beach, I saw Ink just staring at the water. I walked up behind him making little sound.

"Adeleine," he said to himself, "I wish you be here right now." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"But I am here," I told him. Ink took a step forward and turned around.

"Adeleine?!" he said as he cried tears of joy, "Are you actually here?" I nod my head. Without warning, he jumped into my arms and embraced me.

"I'm so glad you're alive!" he said as his tears spilled onto my shirt, followed by laughter. I smiled warmly.

"I couldn't let myself die," I told him, "Because I love you more than anything else." Ink took a step back and wiped his tears away.

"I love you too," he said. We then closed in on each other and shared a kiss. And at last, boy reunited with girl.


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