Act III: Chapter 19

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(Perspective: Adeleine)

My friends were all tied by strings. Error had the one thing that could destroy us all.

"Error," I said, "I hate to ask you this, but please stop with this chaos." Error laughed and summoned several Gaster Blasters.

"I'm sorry," he said, "But I don't take requests." He fired the blasters at me in attempt to kill me.

"NOOOOOO!" Ink shouted. When it appeared that I was dead, Error started laughing as he saw my SOUL split in two. But then, the two halves came back together as one. My SOUL refused to let me die. I smiled and pointed my sword at Error. Error reaction to my revival was priceless.

"Gah!" he said, "How is this possible?"

"You forgot one thing about me," I said, "I have Determination. Along with that, I am half kindness, meaning I can heal any wound. The amount of damage you do can be countered with a healing circle. Now it's my turn to show you what I can do." I dashed forward and swung my paintbrush at Error, staining him with green paint.

"Urgh!" Error said, "You're just like Ink! Always getting paint on me." I turned around and saw Error put the Jamba Heart down temporarily. He then summoned two bones and swung them at me like swords. I dodged one and then blocked the other with my sword. As I blocked his bone, I swung my paintbrush at him and knocked him back. He slid on his feet until eventually he came to a stop.

"You... sure are... determined," Error said, breathing heavily, "But let's see if you can dodge these!" He then summoned a bunch of bones and threw them all at me. I summoned a green shield and guarded the attack. Error looked so frustrated that his appeared as if it were going to explode.

"Didn't I say how annoying that power is?!" he shouted.

"You mentioned it before," I answered, "But it's clear to me that you're holding back. All of your other 'friends' aren't here. It's just you and me."

"Those skeletons were useless to me," Error said, "You and friends always found a way to defeat them." So, I simply got rid of them. I don't need them anyways. They're only good for powering up the Jamba Heart anyways, which is why I took their SOULs. All I have to do now is give them to the Jamba Heart and Void Termina will return, destroying everything!"

"And then what?" I asked, "Once everything's been destroyed, what will you destroy next? Your life will have no purpose. Did you ever think about that?" Error scratched his head, and then shrugged his shoulders.

"I won't have to think about it when everyone is dead!" he answered. He then ran towards the Jamba Heart. I jumped in the way in an attempt to stop him, but Error pushed me away, causing me to fall to the ground. He grabbed the Jamba Heart and opened a portal.

"Now, to destroy the AUs for once and for all!" Error said, "It was nice to meet you, Adeleine." I slowly got up.

"No matter what," I began, "We will find a way to stop you."

"If you wish to do that, meet me at the Haltmann Space Station back in your world," Error instructed, "That is where I plan to awaken Void Termina." He walked through the portal, letting my friends go in the process. Ink quickly ran over to me and hugged me abruptly.

"Adeleine," he said, "I thought you were going to die." I slowly hugged him back.

"Don't worry," I told him, "As long as I have my Determination, I'll be alright."

"So, where do we go now?" Dream asked. I let go of Ink.

"The only way to get to the Haltmann Space Station is by going back into my world and using the Halberd to fly there," I explained, "We can take that portal Error opened to head there instantly."

"Sounds good to me," Daroach said, "Let's go kick Error's butt." We all walked through the portal, leading us back to Cappy Town.

When we arrived, I transformed back into my human self. After all, this amazing power I had was not necessary at the moment.

"Meta Knight, where is your ship located?" I asked.

"It should be at Susie's place," Meta Knight answered, "It's the only safe place I could think of putting it." I turned slightly and frowned. Ink looked over at me.

"Are you alright?" he asked me. I turned to him.

"I couldn't stop him," I told him, "I couldn't stop Error. Even with our power boost, I couldn't stop him." Ink started patting my back with his bony hands.

"It's okay," Ink said, "You were pretty close though."

"Ink's right," Blue added, "With your Determination and Kindness, you and Error are evenly matched. Having half a SOUL from one of my kind makes you very powerful. I believe that next time we see him, we will be able to defeat him. So, let's go head to Susie's lab and get Meta Knight's ship." I smiled slightly.

"I suppose you're right," I said, "I can defeat Error. I mean, WE, can defeat Error. Let's hurry to catch the ferry ride." We ran as fast as we could to the ferry. As we were running I saw glitches in the sky.

"Um, guys?" PJ said, "I think this timeline is glitching." Ink looked up and gasped.

"We need to hurry then," Nightmare said, "This could be very bad. Error is trying to corrupt this place."

By the time we arrived at the dock, the ferry was just about to leave. The Cappy running it just locked the gate.

"Excuse me," I said, "We need to get on that Ferry."

"No can do," the Cappy said, "They're about to leave. You're gonna have to wait for the next one."

"Please," Ribbon said, "We don't have that kind of time. This place is going to get corrupted!"

"Leave this to me," Nightmare said. He walked up to the Cappy and grabbed his shirt collar. His right eye glowed light blue.

"You will let us on this boat, or I will make sure you never have sweet dreams again!" he shouted. Frozen by fear, the Cappy opened the gate.

"Head right in," he said.

"Thank you, kind sir," Nightmare said happily.

"You must be pretty handy to have around," Ribbon said to Nightmare.

"It's kind of my thing," Nightmare said, "Scaring people is what I do, or at least what I used to do." We then boarded the boat and headed back to Haltmann Works Company.

End of Act III 

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