Act III: Chapter 18

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(Perspective: Ink)

A lot of the terms Adeleine and Blue were using over the past few hours weren't making a whole lot of sense. I had no clue what a Fairy Eater was or had a definitive answer on what a Star Fairy was.

"Hey Blue," I asked as we were walking, "I'm a bit confused. I'm not really sure what a Fairy Eater is." Blue turned to me.

"A Fairy Eater is a human or monster with a Star Fairy SOUL," she answered, "Normally, only green SOULs are able to be absorbed, but Error must have figured out a way to absorb all SOUL colors." Adeleine turned to us.

"I'm an example of a Fairy Eater," she said, "I may be a human, but I nearly died once. Thankfully, one of Blue's kind came to me and gave up their SOUL to save me."

"But when you split your SOUL, it was only in a half," I mentioned, "How is that?"

"Before they died, they told me if I ever needed to, I could use their hidden power," Adeleine explained, "That's how I was able to turn our SOULs into half red and half green. But I decided to use my hidden power for later."

"You gave me half of your SOUL because you knew you could make it whole?" I asked. Adeleine nodded her head.

"Now that our SOULs have bonded, I think we might actually stand a chance against Error," she responded, "I thought we were going to need extra strength from Galactic Nova, but we don't actually need it. I'm a Fairy Eater, meaning that my power is greater than Blue's, no offense."

"None taken," Blue said, "Even then, despite me having the weakest SOUL trait, I've been known to destroy actual gods. Along with that, we have the Star Rod. I used its power to return Nightmare to his passive state. I don't think he was too pleased with that though." Nightmare crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Void Termina was destroyed by the power of friendship," Adeleine added, "If we can do it again, I think Dream's positive emotions might help." Dream smiled.

"I think you're right," Dream said, "If friendship destroyed him before, why wouldn't positive emotions?" I looked at Dream and then turned away from him. Him talking about friendship and positive emotions reminded me of the time we got in an argument. I used to see him as a friend, but then he reminded me that I don't really care for others in the AUs. But things were different now. There was one person I really cared about. And I she wanted me to, I would care for the people in other AUs.

"Hey, Dream?" I said, "There's something I wanted to tell you." Dream turned to me.

"What is it?" Dream asked, "If it's about the argument we had, I know that things are different now." I was surprised to hear this, especially coming from him.

"I know that I told you that you don't care about the people of other AUs, but when I saw that you were with Adeleine, I started to think a bit differently about you," Dream continued, "I'm not asking for your forgiveness, but can we try to be friends again? I know that what I said is now wrong."

"Sure," I said, "But you were right. Until I got a real SOUL, I never really cared for the people of other AUs." Adeleine looked forward and saw an old house in the ruins.

"Hey!" she said excitingly, "I think we made it. Look." We all looked ahead and saw the humble home in the distance. We quickly ran over to it and walked inside.

Despite it being a ruined home, it was surprisingly warm inside. It seemed suspiciously too warm however. I walked around the house as the group followed me and saw the lights on in the dining area. I walked over to it and saw Ribbon, Daroach, Meta Knight, and PJ all happily drinking tea together at the table.

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