Wario Confronts You After You Announce You Have A Husband

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You have been a twitch streamer for 2 years, and you let Wario become a moderator.
He has been supporting you for two years now, and always donates to you. He really likes you and maybe, just maybe you like him too!

The Announcement

Wario couldn't believe it... You have a husband. He went on discord as you two were friends on their. And he sent you some cryptic messages...

"You fucking bitch. Are you kidding? After two years of donating, supporting, and most importantly loving you... You have a husband?! I cant believe that I actually used to love you. I cant believe I made a Cum Jar in your honor. You are a lying whore and your not even that hot your ugly and fat!"

He also said in a shorter message...

"Fuck you lying whore face bitch."

You were shocked. You liked Wario and wanted to be friends so you tried to make things work out AS FRIENDS responding with...

"Look Wario, i really like you. But what me and (husbands name) have is special and i cant end it for you. I really hope we can stay friends even if you are upset right now. Im sorry but I just dont feel the same way towards you. Please lets just be friends."

Wario was not taking no for an answer and ended the conversation swiftly...

"Stop. Stop. Stop. You have ripped my heart in two. This is high tier betrayal. You knew how much i loved you and this happens. Yeah your sorry. Shut your pussy ass up. I hate you cunt. Have fun being a Lying Bitch Face!"

The End

Wario X reader (any gender) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now