
Ladybug (Marinette) pov

I just had to leave as soon as possible, I couldn't stand that news. It's my fault though, I took too long to confess.
"Look it's ladybug!" Someone from the fashion show pointed me out.
All eyes were on me.
"I.. uh- just wanted to thank the designer for uh- making these lovely designs." I said with my eyes fixated on Adrien and Lila.
"Well you should thank Marinette then" Adrien said.
"Where'd she go?" Kagami noticed I wasn't next to her anymore. She was sitting right next to me during the show.
"It's okay! I'll probably find her later!" I replied. I quickly swung my yo-yo and swung away.


"Why Am I such an idiot tiki!" I exclaimed.
"You're not marinette. Besides you still have him as a friend" tiki helped.
"chat noir too" I added.
"You called, princess" chat noir said as he entered through my window.
"No one called you Chat" I wiped my face.
"What's wrong?" Chat asked.
"I lost the guy I liked" I sighed
"I lost a girl I like too" chat pulled me into a hug.
"do you wanna talk about it?" I asked him
"No, I just wanna stay like this" chat and I held each other.
We held each other in the bed.
"Chat, can i be honest with you?" I asked him.
"You can tell me anything" he replied.
"I feel like I'm indulge myself in work to forget my emotions, there's so much that is always the same in my life that it all makes me feel so numb and tired." I begun to feel my tears build up.
"Sometimes I cry and at this point I never know why I cry, it all feels so numb chat." I was crying again. I felt chat hold me tighter.
"sometimes I wonder if whatever I'm doing, is it right. I don't know what to do or how to do it right. I was just a kid, I'm no hero" I was crying with emotion. I haven't felt this way in forever.
"Marinette, it's okay. I'll make things better! So please rely on me. I don't care if you don't do things in a curtain way. You do it marinettes way! Which to me, it's the right way" I looked up to chat. He smiled at me, a warm and familiar smile. I begun to close the gap between our faces. He did the same. When our lips met, it felt warm. It made me happy. We deepened the kiss, as we pulled away we realized what we did.
We looked at each other and begun laughing.
"You should've seen your face" I laughed.
"You should've seen yours"
"You look like a tomato!"
"Really you're beat red!"
We calmed down a bit and chat gently put his hand on my cheek.
"What chat?" I calmed down my laughing more.
"Is there something on my face?" I asked.
"no..." chat said, he begun to pull my face towards him. I closed my eyes and we locked lips.
"This is nice" chat smiled through the kiss.
"It really is"
We hugged again, my heart pounded. We were cuddling, soon I heard soft snores from chat.
"Chat, your transformation might wear off..." I tried to wake him up.
"I haven't used my cataclysm"
"Still chat..." I tried.
"No I'm staying here"
"Then at least get comfortable" I said, I got up.
"Where are you going?"
" you need some clothes to sleep in right?"
"Do you want anything else?"
"Some Camembert, and maybe something to drink?"
"Don't worry I gotchu."


"Okay here, I made you a mask from a sleeping mask, and these are Pajamas from the Hero's collection. It's chat noir themed" I giggled a bit.
"Thanks Princess, it's nice that you know my size" he winked.
"Chat, Don't be a pervert"
"I didn't mean it that way, well maybe a little bit" he teased.

Adrien (Chat noir) Pov

"Plagg, claws in" I de-transformed.
Marinettes bathroom was spacious, I placed my clothes on the counter and dressed in the Pajamas she gave me.
Then the mask.
"Adrien, this is probably the worst idea you ever came up with" Plagg warned.
"Plagg, she's ladybug, I saw the kawami and everything. The more I piece things together the more i know how much i love her" I expressed.
Plagg didn't reply. Instead the went back into the room.
I walked outta the bathroom to see marinette watching tv, her back facing me.
"Hey, Princess" I came up behind her scaring her.
"Chat! What the hell!" She lightly pushed me.
I got on the bed to see that she had 3 bottles of Prosecco, it's a white wine.
"Want some?" She offered as she poured herself a whole glass full.
"Sure" I replied, she then poured me a glass.


"And then I was like 'I knew it was a prank too, I knew the whole time you were pretending" marinette drunkenly laughed.
"this one time, i thought my dad and his assistant were a thing, boy was my dad furious with me" I laughed.
We were both drunk, we went through 3 bottles of wine. As marinette finished her glass, I touched her cheek.
"Hey chat, you should kiss me" marinette laughed. I immediately pounced on her, I was on top hovering over her. I begun filling in the gap between us.
when our lips met, the taste of alcohol immediately hit me. It was a sort of a sweet taste. The taste of her lips only made me want more.

—- next morning

Marinette Pov

I woke up warm under the covers. I felt bare. there was a lingering smell of booze. someone moved around in my bed their warm arm place on my back. I turned to look at who it is.
"A-Adrien!" I exclaimed and pushed him off the bed.
"Ow ow ow!" He yelled from the floor. Only then I realized that he was in the nude.
"AH Clothes! What are you doing in my bed naked!" I was then hit with realization.
"Hey! You're naked too!" He pointed out. I immediately grabbed my bed sheets and covered myself.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. You're Chat noir! And Chat Noir is you! And you're engaged to Lila! And my life long crush! And you're engaged to LILA!" I begun freaking out.
"As if I'm ever gonna marry Lila" he muttered.
"You're CHAT NOIR!"
"Yea and?"
"Aren't you suppose to keep your identity a secret!" I scolded him.
"Well you won't tell anyone"
"That's not the point, Chat!"
"Marinette, Im sorry okay. I forgot to put the mask back on" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well it's too late now."
We sat in silence for a while. I felt his eyes shift over to me.
"You know, you are beautiful" he said outta no where. I didn't reply, but I did feel my face blush.
He got up and sat next to me. My face felt hot.
"I'm sorry" Adrien pulled me into a hug.
"Um, can we maybe do this when -Uhh. We are clothed?" I struggled to get the words out.
"Why this is more fun" he teased.
"Nope!" I shoved a pillow in his face.
We laughed at each other's awkwardness and such.
Knock knock knock
"Hey marinette, we are going to get groceries do you want anything" alya said as she tried to open the door.
I ran over and opened it barely. Just enough so she can see my face.
"Uh, who's in there with you?" She asked.
"It's just me!" I said immediately.
"Yea okay, it's luka isn't. That's why your nude?" I looked down to see that I lost my blanket. I turned around to see that Adrien pulled it off and was trying to hold in a laugh.
"Why you!" I ran over to him and grabbed the sheet. Forgetting that Alya was by the door, which was now wide open for nino to see too.
"AH! Alya, nino. It's not what it looks like."
"It's exactly what it looks like" Adrien said.
"NO no it's not!"
"Yup! My marinette and I are now going to be secretly dating" Adrien announced.
"It's about time" Alya closed the room door.
"Adrien! Your engaged! We can't do this it's wrong!"
"You know what's wrong? Being in a arranged engagement with someone you haven't really liked since high school" he said.
"I need you to leave, Adrien, please" I looked away from him.
"but princess I really do-." "No, this is wrong."
"Please understand that Over the past couple years I've grown attached to you marinette. I-I I'm in love with you! I can't marry Lila!" He fought. I felt the tears build up in my eyes.
"I've been in love with you since... forever. But I can't. Not like this. I'll call a taxi for you." I said as I grabbed my towel and walked to the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror and saw how red my face was. Along with the many love marks he left me.
"If only things were different"

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