3| What a polite jerk

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Monday rolled in and I woke earlier than I usually would've, which is surprising considering I never ever wake up on time and to be able to wake before time.... Ooh wish I could always do that. I guess the nervousness, the anxiety and the excitement of finally beginning this new chapter wouldn't let me sleep. I had spent the entire weekend going to the nearest home depot getting a few appliances and then getting groceries from a store whose name I can't remember. This entire weekend was so tiring and to top it all of my sleep schedule was still a mess. Jet lag is a bitch. I had laid out the perfect pantsuit for my fist day, it looked so powerful. It was a salmon colored shirt with an ash grey pair of pants and jacket. I had a shower and decided to have my cup of coffee on the terrace in peace considering I had time to spare. I came back in and packed my bag like a small kid on the first day of their school trying not to forget anything because that would just be embarrassing seeing that today is my first day. I had read all case files and prepared a few drawings, just basic sketches here and there. I like to be prepared and organised. I have a minor OCD case but a major love for stationery. Okay now I'm just rambling.

I stepped out of the loft, locking it feeling completely ready and I think I looked fine. I had snapped a couple pictures and sent them to my family. I took the subway and was soon standing in front of the towering building trying to get my head straight and calm my nerves. I had a few files in my hand because they were big to fit into my bag. I held onto them tighter as I walked into the building and looked down at my phone at the new texts and just as soon as I looked up a body banged into me hard.


As you would assume the case files dropped from my hand scattered, fortunately I had filed hem properly so no papers had scattered individually and second thank god I was wearing a pant I would never be able to pick stuff otherwise. I bent down to pick my files and so did the guy that bumped into me. Now considering that I grew up as a desi filmy baby this would've been the perfect time for a love at first sight he would look as he helped me pick my files. Blah blah blah sadly it was real life and that shit doesn't happen in fact what happened was he didn't look even and just once helped me gather the files.

"I'm so sorry for not looking. This was my mistake. Thank you so much for helping though", I said as I get up with the files in my hand, feeling apologetic for not paying attention even though we were both at fault and none of were paying attention but this guy just walks right past me as I'm saying that. Wow! I don't if I should call him polite for helping me or acting like a jerk. never thought I'd live to see this odd day. Not wanting to ruin my day I just walk into the elevator still slightly fuming over that guy.

My nerves build up again as I walked out of the elevator, I greet Melissa and move towards the desk I was shown yesterday. Mr Smith comes out of his office to greet me and my entire morning is filled up with meeting all my co-workers and the teams I would usually partner with. It was a busy morning but this was my favorite part, meeting new people aside from the fact that I was doing something I loved. It was an exhilarating feeling to find new things about this person that I had just met. It was kind of like starting over. I was given time off until after lunch to just settle in and I was told I had my first meeting to just view and understand this working space at 4 pm. Well I guess I was free until then since id already studied this client. I didn't know how fast the time had passed as it was already 1:30 and everybody started going for their lunch break. Just as soon as I thought of what to do for lunch since I was the new kid, I spotted a mop of black hair and I walked over.

"Hey Logan!", I spoke startling him a little, "Sorry if I disturbed you", feeling weirded out once again.

"No, No its no problem. Samaira right?", Logan spoke up.

"Yeah! I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch with, I mean you don't have to but you're kind of the only person I know more like interacted more once with except Mr Smith and I probably shouldn't ask my boss for lunch on the first day. I'm rambling, again aren't I? I'm sorry", I babbled.

Logan looked at me like he agreed with me.

"Yes, you were rambling and I don't mind having lunch together. Anyways I usually have my lunch alone working or with my best friend if he is free, it'll be good to have new company for once. Just let me grab my stuff and close this all down. Sounds good?" Logan spoke and as soon as he did, I just nodded my head and walked to my desk to grab my stuff looking as red as a beetroot.

We walked towards the elevator in silence and that's when he spoke.

"So, tell me about yourself. I don't know anything about you except for the fact that your name is Samaira Shah and you love sticky notes", he said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay Mr, like I know anything about you but ask away anything you want to know but before that lets go to nice restaurant nearby. I'm starving", I responded laughing slightly.

"Come on, I know the best Chinese food place around the corner. Their food will give you foodgasm literally"

"Logan! It looks like this might just be the start of beautiful friendship. I mean what more could you need from a friendship: understanding and love? Nah a mutual love for food", maybe this was going to be a blast after all.

"Indeed, Miss Shah indeed", Logan laughed as we walked out of the building.


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If any you find any mistakes or have any suggestions anything please comment or PM me and tell me I'm a new writer and i would appreciate all the support and advice.

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