10| Pickup lines might just work on me

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Last week consisted of Lucas and Logan becoming my babysitters and Logan making my dining table and living room his office along with Lucas. I was capable of doing my own work after 2 days and was perfectly fine by Wednesday but as the doctor said I had the flu and should take some rest this week, it had become the boy's mission to not let me do anything. Kayla and the girls also came over in the evenings to check up on me. I was getting annoyed at them and ended up kicking them out on Saturday after we finished lunch. They were around me 24/7 and I think it was because I didn't really have anyone here to take care of me. I didn't inform my parents to avoid them worrying and constantly calling to check up on me, though I'm sure my mom already knew.

Lucas and I had another brief moment when he was trying to entertain me. It was sunday evening and Logan had decided that we needed to have game night, and so he had gone out to get games and snacks leaving Lucas to keep me company. He tried to crack a few jokes and try some very cheesy pick up lines on me and we competed on whose were more hilarious.

"Are you a parking ticket cause you've got fine written all over you", Lucas said and I giggled.

"And that works on girls?"

"Sometimes and besides you laughed didn't you?"

"I did but I'm sure I've got better ones "

"Ok sweetheart let's see what you got", sweetheart that made me flustered for a brief moment.

"I'd say God Bless you, but it looks like he already did"

"Okay thats a good one, my turn. Are you french? Cause i Eiffel for you"

"Not bad miller not bad at all, you know what your pickup lines might just work on me ", i said sarcastically.

"What can i say if i continue with this you will definitely fall for me"

This continued until Logan came back, my stomach aching of laughing so much, with a truck load of food and my favourite hawain barbeque cheese popcorn.

I took it easy at work as per Logan's instructions and by Tuesday I had already given him an earful on how fine I was, it involved me running and i didnt like it very much but it got him to stop babying me. Currently I was in my cubicle drawing a few potential sketches for a project on a saturday night. That sounds so depressing.

"Hey Lucas and I am going for drinks you want to come ?"Logan's voice startled me.

"Yeah sure ok. But can we make a quick stop at my home?"

"Please tell me you wont take an hour to get ready"

" Logan, I'm offended. You already know I barely take a few minutes, come on i look like crap and i've felt like crap the past two weeks. Let me dress sexy tonight."

" Fine lets go", Logan huffed as we made our way towards his car.

I opened the loft tossing the keys into the bowl next to the door and my way towards the room. I opened my wardrobe, scanning quickly what to wear. I picked a pink satin dress along with some silver strap heels. For jewellery I added a couple of rings with a silver bracelet and a watch with a small and simple necklace and hoop earrings cause they go with any outfit and make it look badass. I went simple for makeup applying a winged eyeliner with mascara and pink nude matte lipstick. I added a little blush and bronzer and I was all done. I took a couple sexy pictures in front of the mirror and put my lipstick and phone, grabbing my keys and some essentials adding them to my pearl clutch that matches my outfit. I stepped out of the loft locking behind me. 

I stepped out of the building and towards Logan's car, he stood her leaning on his car with his head buried in his phone

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I stepped out of the building and towards Logan's car, he stood her leaning on his car with his head buried in his phone. I snapped my fingers in front of his face pulling him out of his trance. He looked me up and down a low whistle escaping his lips.

"Woah! I didn't know you could look so sexy. Hot damn woman", Logan said, still eyeing me.

"I don't know if i should be offended or flattered, see i told you i could get ready quick it only took me 20 mins. Let's get going Lucas is waiting for us."

"Yeah lets get going. M'lady", He said as he opened my car door.

" You know Lucas might just have a heart attack with you looking like that", Logan smirked, i just laughed still not being able to accept it.

"Looks like chivalry is not dead"

"Always for you my lady", Logan stepped on the gas.

"LOGAN I SWEAR IF I DIE MY BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS", i yelled clutching on the door handle for my life.

"Chill hun i ain't gonna let you die looking like that, or at least not without Lucas seeing you first"

We reached the club in what seemed like minutes because Logan seemed to think his car was a rocket. We entered the club without standing in the line and going straight to VIP because Logan and Lucas knew the owner. It Feels nice to be on the rich side for once. Back home we used to party once in two weeks or almost every weekend but it took a lot of connections to get into VIP once in a while. I looked over at the club scene downstairs while Logan went to get me a drink and Lucas.

"Wow I... umm... I ", the stuttering making me turn around towards the source of the voice.

"Lucas, hey!"I went in for a hug just as I saw Logan returning with our drinks as well.

"You look beautiful and umm....Lucas complimented still staring only removing his eyes as Logan coughed pulling him out of trance.

"Looks like you found luke and here are our drinks we're starting with shots"

We all downed our shots at once, the drink burning my throat as I was out drinking after a long time.

"You look amazing", Lucas whispered in my ear, as he walked away, going to get more shots.

And we downed 2 more shots before thinking about moving to the dance floor, because frankly the VIP section can be boring sometimes and we were here for a fun time.

I guess this might just be the night i'll never forget or completely black out and not remember shit but we'll just have to see what the night holds in store for us. 

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