13| Nothing a little sea, sun and sand can't fix

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"Can we please make a quick stop to my place ", I ask warily.

"Not until you promise not to run"

"Yeah i won't", assuring him i spoke

As I stepped out of the car, I noticed Lucas stepping out as well. He walked towards me.

"Where are you going ?"

"I am coming with you, you think i don't know what you're doing. You're going to try and escape again", Lucas said, raising his eyebrows at me.

We entered the apartment and I bolted towards my room but curse my short legs, Lucas grabbed me by my legs and threw me over his shoulder.

"Let me go. Let me go", I yelled while banging my fists on his back. Thank god my sundress was a long enough to avoid a wardrobe malfunction that this idiot would have caused.

"See I knew it. You can't avoid me forever and for whatever reasons you are doing that, we're talking about it", Lucas said as he threw me into the car.

I sat in the car grumpy faced as Lucas started driving.

"So where are we going?", I asked hesitantly as all my insecurities set in again.

"A quiet place so we both can talk, well so you can tell me what's wrong ",Lucas spoke with his eyes on the road. 

After about an hour of silence and me staring out of the window to the slow songs playing in the car, Lucas's voice broke my music video vibes trance.

"We're going to be on the road for a while, you know we can talk now and then enjoy a nice little picnic"

" I know you're concerned about me but I'm not mad at you and I'm sorry i ignored can we just forget that happened", I didn't want to talk about my feelings definitely not these ones.

"I would've let this go but something has clearly made you upset and i know something's wrong so you're going to have to talk"

"It's just I'm mad at myself and thats all, I'm the one with issues just let me deal with them"

"Oh no no no I've seen behaviour, hell this was my behaviour and even you know talking will just make you feel better", Lucas said as he pulled over to the side on the hill road, we were quite away from the city.

"Hey look at me and talk to me, you know you can do that", Lucas said holding my face forcing me to face him.

"Fine. You could've gotten hurt because of me, the muggers could've had guns or weapons or i don't know their entire gang nearby and we've only known each other for over half a year but i care for you and i wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you too and i just wouldn't be able to cope and i don't know that entire night gives me anxiety. I don't want anything to happen to anyone in my life because of me. I....."

"Hey hey look at me come here", Lucas pulled me into a hug as tears formed in my eyes. This is why I don't like talking. I couldn't let him see me cry.

"I am fine, nothing happened to me. None of it was your fault. It was those assholes and we're both okay and both here so i need you to stop worrying and enjoy today with me. Can we do that?", Lucas looked at me with worried eyes. He brought me some water from the back as I started calming down, at least he didn't see my shaking hands, I'd count it as a win. I calmed down after a few minutes using my counting technique. 

"So where are we going, we're pretty far from the city", I spoke.

"We are going to the one place that i love and always go to when i need to clear my head, it's a small secluded cliff away from the hill, we're almost there", Lucas smiled as he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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