6| A lazy ass

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For the past week and half all I've done is either working on the project or talking to Mini and checking up on her. I was exhausted to say the least. It was Thursday and Mr Miller said I could take Friday off along with the weekend since finalized the plans for my project today. I needed that I don't remember last when I had an all night's rest. Since this was a priority project I had spent the past weeks pulling of late nights and early mornings and if it wasn't work then talking to Mini at odd hours had completely drained me. I was just wrapping everything at my desk when I heard a voice from behind.

"Congratulations for completing your first project. You want to go out and celebrate?" Logan speaks.

"Definitely but not today. I'm so tired I could sleep on the floor here"

"We don't want you doing that. I'll call you tomorrow, we'll plan something for the weekend", Logan spoke as he dropped me off to a cab.

"Bye Lolo", I said getting into the cab.

I reached the loft and fell onto the bed and into a slumber. I woke up groggy with no idea of time or where I was. I looked outside to notice that it was dark. Wow that was a very long nap. I just made a simple sandwich for dinner, scrolled through instagram and texted my family, just catching up a little. Deciding to take a shower clean myself up a little before watching a little Netflix and going bed again, passing out immediately.

Another new day I felt well rested and refreshed after so long. I singed and danced around in my living room in my pyjamas with a toast in my mouth, all in all it was embarrassing scene. Music blasting from my speakers was interrupted by a phone call. Annoyed at the person who disturbed my morning dance party, I picked the call.


"Woah who made you mad?" Logan's voice came from the phone.

"You. But what happened? Why'd you call?" I spoke my annoyance going away.

"What'd I do to wake Ms Shah's wrath? Anyways I called if you want to go out tomorrow. I mean Lucas, you and I", Logan said.

"Interrupt my morning dancing session but yes sure, what do you have in my mind we do?"

"Sorry milady, Lucas I wanted something low-key like go to the movies and dinner but that won't get you and Luke to bond so I thought we could go to arcade and then order takeout at my place and watch Netflix. What do you say?" Logan suggested.

"You're forgiven and I say yes of course"

Great. We'll pick you up around 4 tomorrow" Logan's voice beamed through the phone.

"See you then Lolo. Bye" I said cutting the call.

Okay this was a big deal. It's not like I wanted to impress Lucas, sure he was good looking but I wasn't looking to date anyone just yet. I could see when he was introduced to me that he was protective over Logan and he had this different aura around him that I couldn't figure out but soon I will. Well who are you Lucas Miller *Thinks in a deep detective tone*. What if Lucas doesn't like me or I embarrass myself beyond repair in front of a stranger, and yet again the pessimist in jumps out. I try to put those thoughts on hold as I continue dancing and eating. I showered and put on some jeans and a top grabbed my wallet and keys and went grocery shopping. I was running low on them and I needed some fresh air and walking. I called up my brother and sister talking to them as I was shopping. I missed them even if they were really irritating and extremely annoying. I missed Avi jumping on me just because he was bored and squishing me to death and I missed Raina stealing my clothes playing dumb about it to avoid my anger. I miss my mom yelling at me for being a lazy ass actually I didn't really miss that because that always came with painful pinches to the thigh.

I caught up with them and all the trouble they've caused since I've been gone.  Next up was mini as we discussed about what I would wear tomorrow and all the hot gossip from back home and let me tell you the people were still the same and yet I was surprised by all the drama. It felt good hearing from home. I reached home nearing lunch time and I being lazy person decided to make a quick meal of roti and potato sabzi. I spend my entire binging on Netflix and my evening sketching and working out a little. I ate dinner and went to sleep.

Next morning I woke up and thought of tidying up my messy apartment a little. I spent the morning arranging my shelves and make the loft look neat. I wasn't a slob but I was lazy. I had a shower and ate a light lunch since I was going out later.

It was already 3 'o clock and I was still lounging on the couch. I knew I wouldn't take long to get ready since this was going to be casual. I decided pair a black spaghetti top with black and white flannel along with a pair of light blue jeans. I applied eyeliner and a nude lipstick which was basically my go to look with some blush.. Ijust curled my hair into some beach waves. I threw my wallet and keys along with some essentials into my clutch. I was ready. I don't like to be late so I was ready a little before time.

I sat on my couch going through my unread messages as Logan texted me they were downstairs

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I sat on my couch going through my unread messages as Logan texted me they were downstairs. I put on my vans, grabbed my clutch, locked my apartment and moved down. I spotted Logan's car outside my building and my way towards them. I stepped into Logan's black Audi A5; I knew my fair share of cars.

"Hi Lolo. Lucas, Hey. Let's get going", I enthusiastically spoke.

Well this day was going to be super fun. I hope.

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