9| Sammy and Cassie

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I turned around to see Kayla behind. I had met her only once before. The day after I moved in she'd just briefly introduced herself.

"They were my friends and one of them is my colleague", I spoke looking at her.

Kayla was pretty in her own aesthetic of neon lights, video games with a surprisingly soft style in clothes. I hadn't seen her around much; I didn't even pay enough attention to it which is surprising since I've been living here for about a month.

"You could come over next weekend and hangout with me and my friends. I mean I think you could use some girlfriends", Kayla offered.

"I definitely could use that", I responded somewhat relieved. It was difficult making friends for me for the first time in my life as everybody led such busy and individual lives here. This felt like a gift.

Kayla and I started hanging out quite often after that interaction. She had a group of 4 girls and they were all so fun. There was Emily, Alyssa, Zoey and Olivia. They all had such different personalities but got along like best friends. Zoey was the meanie of the group but we all know they are just big softies at heart. She cared about these people and would actually hurt anybody who hurt them. She was intimidating when she wanted to be. Alyssa was the shy one, Olivia was the vibrant one, the life of the party. Emily just got along with them like the mediator and fit in with Olivia's vibe. Looking at all of them and hanging out with them and going out for the past two weeks showed me how Kayla fit right in with these girls and somehow I did as well. In the past two weeks I had so much fun. I still went out with Lucas and Logan and even invited them once to a party with these girls and their other friends. It felt like this was going to my new gang here.

It was around midnight and I had just settled into my covers picking my kindle and reading a new book from my bedside table. I was about halfway through the book when I checked the time it was nearing 4 in the morning. Oh fuck not again, I groan and put the kindle away from me trying to get some sleep, I mean I don't know how much sleep I could get in 3-4 hours. I had slept the entire Sunday afternoon after feeling unwell and only had some soup for dinner.

I woke up with my head pounding and feeling heavy, my nose was also blocked. I decided to take a bath and have some paracetamol to lessen the pain. I hated being sick just like everyone but I didn't accept the fact that I was ever. I dressed down a little as I didn't have much energy and put my hair into a bun. I walk into the office building sniffling and coughing.

"Hey", I heard the boys. I looked back to see them.

"Whoa you look like shit", Logan spoke.

"Thank you so much Logan I didn't know that", I say sarcasm dripping from my voice. I wasn't in the mood to entertain anyone. Lucas slaps Logan on his head for saying and a small smile creeps on my lips.

"What happened to you?" Lucas asked, looking concerned. Aw he cares about me.

Two things about me when I was sick is, one I am an emotional mess and second I'm way too honest. So you actually want to be around me when I'm sick.

"Nothing happened, my head is paining that's all, now let's get to work" I croaked coughing a little.

"Are you sure you don't want to take sick leave, you really don't look well"

"I'll be fine Lolo let's just go please, See you at lunch Lucas", I waved at Lucas pulling Logan with me.

I hadn't even been working for more than an hour and I had already had two coughing fits. I could see Logan looking at me from his office with worry. I buried my head in my hands massaging my temple. That's when I hear a voice behind me.

"Okay that's it I'm dropping you home you are taking the day off and probably tomorrow as well if you don't feel well enough. I talked to Smith and he said he is fine with it", Logan ushered me out of the chair throwing all my things into my handbag. We picked up some soup and medicine for me on the way home.

He dropped me off till my bedroom and made sure I was comfortable. It was so weird that only in a span of two and half months we were so close. He tucked me in.

"I'll come over later to check up on you. Okay?" I just nod not having any energy to reply back and closed my eyes hearing the front door shut.I fell asleep immediately after that.

I tried opening my eyes, repeatedly blinking them slowly as I heard the front door open. I assumed it was Logan and didn't bother calling out as I tried sitting up in bed. A head popped in my bedroom.

"Lucas?!", I say surprised, my eyes snapping open completely. I was surprised to say the least, "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I come and help out my sick friend?", He said stepping into my room, grinning. Friendzoned?! Ouch! But it's okay, it's not like i wanted to date him. psshhh!!! No way.

"No i just thought Lolo was coming over", i sat up trying to smoothen my bed hair.

"He was but then I offered to check up on you, cause you looked pretty beat up in the morning" Lucas spoke so sincerely, "I was just worried about you" his eyes softening. My heart melted at that, he cares about me.

"Where is the thermometer?", Lucas continued speaking" and I brought some food for you". I pointed towards the medicine cabinet. Yes, being an Indian means you have an entire drawer dedicated to only medicines and all kinds of them.

it was currently nearing 7 pm, Lucas spent the entire day with me watching movies, eating and just talking. We watched 5 five feet apart, I laid my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around and we just snuggled up for the rest of the movie. He even teared up while I cried when Stella fell into the lake and when Po died. We spoke no words as I just watched and I took a small nap on his shoulder as I passed out from exhaustion.

"Sam , hey Sammy just have some food and then you can sleep peacefully"

We ate our food, talking and laughing. My stomach ached from laughing so much.

"You know what i'm gonna call you Cassie from now on. you call me Sam and Sammy which are generally boy names so i found the perfect name to go with it"

"Wow good to know your brain still work equally weird if not more when you are sick Sammy", I scowl but my smile betrayed me, " Guess we are now Sammy and Cassie now"

I burst out laughing and just as soon as I did that my coughing fit came back. Lucas patted my back slowly and gave me water as I calmed down. We finished winding up everything and by we I mean Lucas because he did not allow me to get up from my chair and I watched as he worked so silently only asking where to put what. He didn't allow me once to help him and that made me frustrated.

"Okay I'm going to leave now it's late. Just call me if you need anything at any time okay?"

"Okay", i spoke blush tinting my cheeks and sniffling as my nose was still blocked.

He hugged me tightly as he tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead leaving me on the bed paralyzed. i barely noticed him leaving after that or waving a bye at me. My hand reached up to my forehead unconsciously touching where he kissed still in a dazed state. I didn't even know when I fell asleep.

Finally some Lucas and Samaira action!!!

Hello my lovelies, I'm sorry my updates are slow but online classes are currently sucking the life out of me and my results for my finals just came out. So it's been a rough week but I'm back and I'm gonna try and upload twice a week. I appreciate all comments and advice so i would love it if you have some for me as I'm still a pretty new writer.

Anyways enjoy the chapter. Stay safe.

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