Chapter 13

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  You see Hizashi on the couch watching a movie. You walk over to him and sit down looking at the TV, he turned to you but you didnt bother to notice until you were pulled into his chest dropping Shadow on the floor. You struggled to get out of his grip but you didn't succeed, "Hizashiiiii" you whined giving up "Come on y/n just lay here with me and watch the movie." He said pouting. You sigh "Its not that I don't want to, ITS THAT YOUR CRUSHING ME!" You yell wiggling again. He chuckled laying down and moving till you were comfy, you sigh giving up and snuggling against his warm body, "Shota wanted to talk to you, he said he'd let you be for a while but i think talking to him soon would be better. He look like he was full of guilt and that worries me." He said softly. You tence up a little and sigh, Hizashi pulls you in closer (Bro its like y'all are already dating.. NA FAM DIS IS NORMAL FRIEND STUFF 😆😂) you yawn closeing your eyes feeling a soft thud against your stomach, you open one eye to be greeted by your cat angrily staring at Hizashi. You pet Shadows head and giggled softly "Shh baby its okay the mean, loud man isn't taking me away from you~" Hizashi pulls you closer putting his face in the crook of your neck "Shes lying, I'm totally taking her away from you" the cat growled a little before laying down with the two of you closed your eyes letting darkness take control of your body's.

You awoke in a dark alley,  "Hello?" You say quietly. You walk towards the light at the end of the alleyway slowly blinking a few times as the light hits your eyes. You walk out to be greeted by a street, but people were crying. You walk up to this woman crying staring at a burnt building, "Are you okay what happened?" You say softly. She doesn't respond "Ma'am?" You ask again. "Poor hero.." She said quietly, "huh?" You tried to touch her shoulder only to not be greeted by anything, Your hand just went through. You started to panic "What the hell!" You say jumping back you look around to the crying people and spot reporters. You began making your way to them, "We have sadly lost a brave hero today. Due to a fire down town, he was crushed underneath the rubble of the burning fire trying to save 29 year old Y/n l/n from in the building. Our famous voice hero Present Mic has lost his life.. Rest in peace" You started to cry "No! No! No! I was just with him! Hes fine, i-im fine! He's not dead! He can't be- I cant be!" You shout tears streaming down your face. You turn your head to the building and see Shota and quickly rush over. "Shota! What's happening why cant people hear me, and why are they saying Hizashi and I are dead!?" You yell loudly. He was crying, hair covering his face, on his knees, just completely broken. You tried to comfort him "Im alive! I'm alive sho! Just look at me damn it!" You scream you look over to the building.. There was your body crushed and broken, you walk over to it looking over your h/c hair, e/c eyes and bloody body, you looked so broken. You look over to see Hizashi's body not to far from yours and your whole world broke. You began to cry harder than before. You walk over to him, you wished you never saw him liked this. His smile had faded into darkness his eyes were a dull gray no longer filled with love,happiness, or life. He had burn marks all over his body, his outfit was completely ruined and bloody. "No! Your alive! You were just here a minute ago laughing with me! You were hugging me just a few minutes ago so don't tell me that was just in my imagination! Dont tell me this is the reality, dont tell me that you died because of me! Don't fucking tell me that your dead and I couldn't do anything about it!" You yell falling to the ground "Why does the world hate me!? Why does everyone I love end up dying damn it!!" The world soon turns black again. "It was your fault.." You cover your ears and scream "He's alive! He's not dead! I know he isn't dead!" "Oh really!? Your the reason you lost your best friend and the only person that makes you feel safe!" It screamed loudly "Wake up..." something said in the darkness. "Huh?" "Wake up!!"
You wake up sitting up quickly gasping for air as tears stream down your face. "Hey hey calm down its alright it was just a nightmare." Hizashi said hugging you softly. "Y-your... Not.. D-dead?" You say clinging onto him for dear life. "No.. Im right here its okay.." He says softly "Y-you died... And it was my fault.." You say quietly shaking. Hizashi pulled you closer "Shhh, I'm here its okay" he says calming you down a little. "Im here and alive, nothing is your fault.."

   "Nothing is your fault.. I'm still here"


Opposite's Attract/Present Mic x Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now