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blake stared at the blonde boy in front of him intensely. he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not. if he was, it was a pretty pleasant dream. he had missed reece a lot.

their eyes locked, and they looked at each other for a solid minute, until reece passed out. blake continued to stare at reece, zoning out completely until lucas walked into the room.

"blake! i see you've met your new roommate?"
luca said in an overly excited tone.

"i sure have.."
blake nodded, looking at luca as he did so.

"he's probably tired from the flight.. he's from england too!"
luca smiled, not knowing the boys had previously met.

"i'm sure he's lovely luca, i'll let him rest for now though.. he must be exhausted"
blake smiled, starting to unpack his suitcases and put his clothes away into the closet.
as he glanced over at reece's side of the shelves, he saw his own hoodie from secondary school. reece must've held onto it. but why does he have it with him? did he know he was going to see blake?

the boys were called for dinner around 7pm. blake ran straight downstairs, without waking reece up. he wanted his food. as soon as he arrived at the table, luca sent him back up to wake the sleeping blonde who had been left behind. blake walked back up the large flight of stairs and walked back to their room. he looked at the older boy and sighed quietly, shaking his shoulder gently. reece's eyes opened slightly, squinting at the boy who was stood in front of him.

"dinner's ready, everyone is waiting for you downstairs"
blake told him in a monotone voice.

reece nodded and climbed out of bed. he ran a hand through his hair, then ran down the stairs behind blake. he was nervous. he thought that he had gotten over blake, but seeing him there in his tight black skinny jeans and a white vest made him feel differently. he stared at him often, as they ate dinner. there was some conversation, but reece wasn't really interested in politics, so he didn't listen.

on the other hand, blake was. his voice could often be heard in the discussion, which reece didn't mind at all. he quite liked blake's voice. not that he'd ever admit it. everything was going fine until luca addressed him and blake in the same sentence.

"so boys, you're both from england.. what part?"
he asked, looking between the two of them.
blake was first to answer.

"i'm from a small town called macclesfield, but it's practically manchester"
he smiled, looking at luca.

"how about you reece?"
luca asked, looking straight at reece.

"i'm from accrington but i moved to macclesfield when i was younger"
reece mumbled, looking down at the table.

"oh so you both grew up in macclesfield? did you know each other? you seem like you do"

"yeah me and reece have a bit of history"
blake nodded, trying to remain calm.

"thank god.. i need you guys to be close for the film.. that's one thing down"
luca grinned at the two boys.

"we're not cl-"
reece started to speak.

"why do you need us to be close?"
blake cut him off, making reece growl quietly.

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