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the boys sat at a table for two next to the window. blake had taken him to a small diner he had heard about from a friend. it was a 70s themed diner, so the seats were made of a bright red leather, and there was a jukebox next to the bar.

reece's eyes lit up as soon as he saw the jukebox, and he ran over to it straight away. blake laughed and followed, putting some money in. reece looked through the different options, finally chose the song, then they sat back down at the table.

"you're so cute reecey"
blake smiled, looking over at the boy on the other side of the table. reece was sitting there with some crayons and a colouring sheet, and he had his tongue stuck out as he concentrated. blake had brought the colouring from the house, as he knew reece liked doing something whilst he was waiting.

reece looked up at blake, tilting his head slightly. he wasn't paying attention due to the dog he was colouring in.

"i said you're cute"
blake laughed at the blonde. reece's cheeks turned a shade of bright red and he looked back at his sheet of paper.

reece giggled, going back to colouring.

"see? you're a little cutie reecey"
blake grinned, looking at the menu.

"you're very pretty blakey"
reece giggled, not looking up from the sheet of paper in front of him. he was very invested in not colouring outside of the lines.

"you're not even looking at me, how would you know baby?"
blake asked, glancing at the blonde sat in front of him.

"because you always look pretty blakey, even when you don't think you do"
reece smiled, making eye contact with blake. it was a comfortable silence, both boys just studying the other.

"thank you reece.. you're so adorable"
blake smiled at the boys words, squeezing his hand gently. he loved having reece close to him.

the waiter came over a little while later, casually checking reece out. the quick scanning of reece's body made blake jealous, and he gave the waiter a death stare. reece is his to look at. reece is his to touch. reece is all his.

"what would you like to eat handsome?"
the waiter asked. joe, the name tag on his uniform said. what a basic name. kinda like the guy from you.. is he a psychopath?

"can i have a burger and chips with a vanilla milkshake pleaseeee?"
reece smiled at him, oblivious to the way he was looking at his body. joe wrote down the order, then turned to blake, seeing the stone cold face. he could see that blake wasn't impressed with the glances he was giving reece.

"and what would you like sir?"
joe asked, slightly more timidly. it was obvious that blake intimidated him, but that didn't stop him from continuing to check reece out.

"i'll have a hot dog with a glass of water."
blake told him, no expression in his voice at all. he was pissed. only he could call reece bibby handsome. joe nodded and walked off back to the kitchen.

"blakey are you mad?"
reece mumbled to the brunette boy.

"no baby, i'm not mad. he's just silly and doesn't understand that you're mine."
blake smiled, looking at the blonde.

"silly ugly man"
reece giggled, going back to his colouring once again. blake laughed quietly at the older boy.

"very silly man, baby"
blake nodded, taking reece's spare hand in his own.

"very ugly man, blakey"
reece smiled, copying blake's tone. the two boys spoke for a little while, until their delicious looking food was placed in front of them. by joe. blake gave him a very hard stare. if looks could kill, the guy would be dead within a second.

reece took a bite of his burger, getting tomato sauce all around his mouth. blake grabbed a napkin and wiped it away, smiling at the boy. reece pushed his milkshake over to blake, offering him the spare straw. blake chuckled and took a sip, smiling at the gesture.

"thank you reecey"
he smiled, pushing the cup back over. reece grinned and continued to eat his burger, making a mess of himself. once they had finished eating, blake grabbed a few more napkins and wiped the boy down. he then paid for the meal and grabbed the receipt, seeing that skanky joe had left his phone number on it. of course, that slip of paper went straight in the bin. blake didn't want reece to talk to people like that douche. blake wanted to protect reece from anyone like that at all costs.

reece grabbed blake's hand and squeezed gently it as they walked over to the car. there was a slight bit of tension between the two boys, both of them stealing glances at the other. when they reached blake's car, reece got pinned against the side of it. blake smirked and slowly pressed his lips against reece's. the kiss lasted for a quite a long time, until both they boys needed a break to breathe. this is where they took the chance to get in the car and drive back to the house.

the boys fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms, which hadn't happened in a long time. reece had his head buried in blake's chest, and blake's arms were wrapped around the smaller boy's waist. quiet snores came from both of their mouths.

an update?
so cool
the music video bro
kinda pisses me off that some celebs are saying "blake and the band" like excuse me rjb and gsgs deserve better
personally i love george's verse a lot
i got clout on twitter for tweeting about it lmao it got like 40 likes and 30 retweets
also like i've gained over 50 followers in a day-

just to find love • breeceWhere stories live. Discover now