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reece was pinned under blake's body. the younger boy had grown stronger over the years, and had a lot more muscle on him. reece on the other hand was still a pale stick. he had to get a spray tan to fit in with the rest of the cast. there was no way reece was getting out of blake's grasp. until the memories started flooding back into the blonde's head. of how blake treated him before. how he'd be pinned against something and beaten. his thoughts then developed into his memories of when he was dating blake.

that's when he started sobbing. blake looked at him in concern, immediately trying to calm him down, but if anything it was making the situation ten times worse. blake persisted, trying to help the shorter boy out, but reece wouldn't let him. blake was just making him feel ten times worse if anything. reece pushed him away, then hid under the bedcovers.

rehearsals the next day were slightly awkward to say the least. the two boys just couldn't convince anyone that they were 'in love' with each other. they managed to get to lunchtime before luca snapped. he sent them all away and told them that they'll try again tomorrow. reece and blake sat in their room together, the silence consuming them. well it was silent until someone came stomping through the door, ruining the serenity.

george smith.
blake jumped up and hugged him tightly.

he yelled, a grin covering his face.

"i thought i'd come and surprise my best mate"
george laughed, hugging the taller boy back. george hadn't grown since the last time reece had seen him, which had been many years ago.

"god i missed you smithy"
blake smiled, pulling the blonde onto his bed.

"who's your roommate?"
george asked, looking at the boy on the other bed. reece took a deep breath and waited for blake's response.

blake mumbled, looking down at the floor.

george asked again, not quite hearing the response. reece sighed and rolled over, looking at george.

"hello george"
reece stared at him.

george tilted his head and examined the blonde boy in front of him. reece passed out.

"yep that's reece"
blake nodded, looking at george.

"oh my god.. do you still like him?"
george asked, remembering the multiple conversations he had with blake about the boy.

"i'm still so in love with him george.. and when i saw him again everything came flooding back.. all the memories we made together.."
blake sighed, looking at reece's unconscious form laying on the bed.

"how's sharing a room with him then?"
george asked whilst getting comfortable on blake's bed.

"we nearly fucked last night"
blake shrugged.

"and you didn't because..?"
george said softly.

"he started uncontrollably sobbing"
blake frowned, thinking about the previous night.

"oh shit.. i'm sorry bro"
george smiled slightly, laying his head on blake's lap.

"i think he remembered george.. it's probably good we stopped, i have a boyfriend."
blake whispered, playing with george's hair. there was a part of him that wished it was reece laying with his head in his lap. but blake has a boyfriend, so why would it matter?

"how's matty anyway? i saw photos of you two together a few weeks ago"
george smiled, changing the subject.

"he's good.. yeah we called the other night and he seems to be doing okay"
blake nodded, looking down at george.

"you don't sound too sure blakey"
george sighed softly.

"okay okay.. i think he's using me.."
blake mumbled, watching as george sat up and looked into his eyes.

"blake no offence but it's pretty obvious.. from what you've told me it seems like you fuck a lot and then buy him stuff.. when was the last time he told you he loved you?"

"uhm.. like last week? i'm not sure"
blake thought for a while, then noticed what was happening.
"oh my god george.."

"blake i think you're gonna have to fix your boyfriend problem love"
george smiled sadly at him.

"i want reece back"
blake mumbled, quickly burying his head in the short boy's chest. he didn't want to keep lying to himself, reece was the one he wanted, not matty.

"i know you do blakey, just give him time"

give him time.

just to find love • breeceWhere stories live. Discover now