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back in shitty old england. it was freezing, and had been raining nonstop for the four months that blake and reece had been there. they had bought a small house together in london, which was cosy, and decorated with photos of them and their friends. they had decided to try again with the band, so now blake, reece, and george were each one third of new hope club. they were gaining popularity quickly, due to the vamps, and because of the film blake and reece were in. george didn't mind the two boys being together, but he was third wheeling very often, which was not enjoyable. the two boys couldn't keep their lips apart for longer than ten minutes at a time.

george lived in an apartment across from blake and reece's house. the couple had offered for him to stay in their place, but george quickly declined. he didn't want to hear anything that went on in their bedroom. he'd walked into the house too many times to the sound of them- yeah, it wasn't the most fun for george. the band had been supporting the vamps on tour for a little while, but in september, their first headlining uk tour would be commencing. the biggest show would be at shepherd's bush in london, and the boys knew it would be one of the highlights of the year. they had played the O2 arena with the vamps, but having their own crowd in september was making them more excited.


the three boys ran onto the stage, smiles painted on their faces. girls were screaming their names, waving at them with signs and posters. a few things were thrown onto the stage, making the boys laugh. the first song started playing. fixed. one of the oldest songs they had written. it was written when they were still in school, all those years ago. it felt surreal to play it on stage, to a crowd who was there just for them. george's voice came through the speakers, and the screams got louder, if that was even possible. voices were singing along to the song, making the boys feel so proud of themselves. their families were sitting to the right of the stage, so the boys glances often drifted up to them. all cameras in the room were on the nhc boys, which made them nervous, but in a good way. well, until reece forgot the lyrics.. again. it made everyone laugh, and he played it out by holding the microphone out to the crowd.

the boys belonged on the stage. it was where they thrived. plus they loved being up there, singing to all of their fans. it was perfect.

imma end this book here
i've lost inspo because i used to write this for a friend who turned out to be a two faced bitch. you know who you are.
thank you all for the reads, watching the number of votes go up makes me smile because i love that yall enjoyed reading.
i've got a few book ideas to write maybe soon
i love you all

523 words x

just to find love • breeceWhere stories live. Discover now