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the rest of the week went perfectly in rehearsals, no one messed up, and the two boys had become a lot closer again. luca hadn't made them kiss again, which they were relieved yet slightly sad about. neither of the boys were sure about the reaction they'd have if they kissed the other, plus if they got back into a relationship they'd have to hide it from the rest of the cast, which is easier said than done.

friday evening came around quickly. mae kept flirting with reece, but he wasn't someone who was quick to forget. he remembered seeing her with her tongue down another guy's throat when they were on a date together. reece was relieved that blake spotted them, or he would've been having someone's sloppy seconds. reece couldn't imagine going on a date with someone then halfway through kissing a random guy. blake kept pushing mae away, blocking her from reece's conversations. he could tell that reece appreciated it, not that he'd say that in front of mae. that's a little bit too mean, even for reece.

blake decided to be brave, and ask reece out for a drink that evening. reece seemed to be delighted, and quickly agreed. it was a little bit like a date, but neither boy was sure if it was or not. they both got ready together, and reece wore one of blake's shirts. they shared clothes, as they could never tell which clothes belonged to who in the closet.

reece looked at the taller boy with a cheeky smile on his face.

"what's up bubs?"
blake tilted his head, looking at reece whilst tying up his shoelaces.

"is this a date..?"
reece giggled nervously as he asked the question both the boys were wondering.

"if you want it to be a date then we can make it a date reecey"
blake smiled at the boy, slowly standing up and walking into the bathroom. he stood at the mirror and fixed his hair quickly, then walked back out to the blonde boy.

"i would like to go on a date with you richardson"
reece nodded, getting up and looking at the large mirror in the corner of their room. he tucked the t-shirt into his jeans then walked over to blake.

"change of plans then, we're going to a restaurant."
blake smiled, looking the shorter boy up and down quickly.

"i can't go out to a restaurant looking like this"
reece pouted, looking down at his casual choice of clothing.

"yes you can, you look hot reece"
blake nodded in approval at reece's outfit, quickly grabbing his hand and pulling him out of their bedroom. they walked down the long corridors until they reached the front of the house, where blake's brand new range rover was parked. reece had noticed blake's new luscious lifestyle, the things he spent his money on were very.. expensive. the blake reece knew three years ago wouldn't have even thought of purchasing things like that at all.

reece climbed into the front seat, looking around him at the posh surroundings. it smelt of fresh leather and blake, which reece didn't mind at all. he guessed that blake hadn't changed what cologne he used since school, because he smelt just as he remembered. blake got in round the drivers side, and began to drive to the restaurant.

you'll get the date tomorrow hopefully
or maybe later
i just wanted to get an update out for you guys
ily alllll
583 words😎

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