Chapter One: Audentes Fortuna Iuvat

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(Lincoln's POV)

"Based on last months numbers, we are looking at...."

I tuned Dave out as he rambled. He was basically just reading off the paper that we all had in front of us.

Weekly meeting are the bane of my existence. They cut into time when I could be focusing on more important issues.

The meeting went on for an hour like usual and then I went back to my office. 

"Mr. Lockwell, your mother is waiting for you inside." My secretary said as I walked by her desk.

"Fantastic." I mumbled.

I took off my jacket as I entered and took a deep breath.

"Lincoln, how is business?" She asked as I walked over to my desk.

That's how it was with her. Always asks about business. Business first, family.....almost never.

"Good as usual. Why are you here?"

"You've been ignoring my texts and Frank's texts. You also continuously send us to voicemail. You didn't give me any other choice so I came visit you here."

"I haven't got the time for family dinners."

"Yes, you do. You will be there this Sunday. I'm not taking any other answer. Either be there or I'm going to show up here everyday until you do. You understand me?"

I sighed. "Fine. I'll be there."

"Good. This Sunday we'll be having guests so be sure to wear your best suit."

"Always do." I grinned painfully.

As soon as she left, I called my secretary in.

"Do me a favor, Gabby."

"Of course, Sir."

"From now on, my mother is not allowed in here. She comes to visit while I'm out of my office when she can either wait with you or somewhere else."

"But sh-"

"I own this company now."

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You may go. Send Vick in when you see him."

She gave me a slight nod before leaving. 

Vick is technically my assistant and best friend. We've been friends since we were kids. He's been in trouble and has gone to jail a few times.   This is largely due to the fact that he got involved with the wrong crowd during the four years my father had me attend a private school. Shortly before I took over as CEO, he had gotten out of jail and couldn't find work anywhere. That's when I told him he could be my assistant. I told him that he'd have a job with good pay with me as long he kept his nose clean. If he ended back up in jail or in trouble then that was it.

That was three years ago and he's been doing real well. He has stayed clean, got an apartment, got a nice car, and doesn't hang with the wrong crowd anymore.

"You wanted to see me?" Vick said stepping inside my office.

"I'm being forced to go to family dinner this Sunday."


"I know. That's why I'm going to go tomorrow."

He nodded. "Want me to call right now and have it prepared?"


"You got it. Anything else?"

"I got a call from Hawthorne. We are flying out Monday at 6 a.m. We will probably be staying a week."

"Okay. I will get the documents ready to take."


"Of course."

He left my office and I sunk down in my seat. I spun my chair around and stared out the window just as my phone beeped.

From: Mother
Dinner is at seven sharp. DO NOT be late.

I'd just finished reading that one when another one came in.

From: Landen
Heard you're coming to dinner. Can't wait to see you, bro. We've got much to discuss.

I let out a groan and leaned my head back against my chair.

"This is going to be torture."

(Amaryllis's POV)

"Would you like a box?"

"Yes. Thank you. You did an amazing job as usual."

"I'm happy to hear that. I hope your wife likes them." I smiled as I put the bouquet in a box.

"She will love them. I'll see you next time."

"Bye." I waved as he left.

I then got to work on the next piece. I was almost done when the phone rang. I was quick to answer when I saw a familiar number.

"You're a day early." I smiled as I answered.

"I am extra bored."

I chuckled. "That's fair. You feel like stopping by this week?"

"I don't think so. Your father and I don't feel like going out."

"Okay. Need me to bring you anything?"

"No, we are okay. How are you? How is the shop?"

"Good and good." I lied.

"That's good to hear. We worry about you."

"No need to worry. Everything is as smooth as butter around here."

"Well I'll let you get back to work. Love you."

"Love you both."

I hung up the phone and got back to work. I finished that bouquet within twenty minutes, just as it was closing time. I walked over to the door and flipped the open sign to close and locked the door.

My apartment is above the shop so I didn't have to really leave once I closed up. I just headed upstairs.

I sighed as I got inside my apartment and saw the pile of bills starting to stack up on the table by the door.

Business hasn't been good recently....or ever really. My parents started the floral shop before I was born so I grew up in the shop. I left briefly to get my degree in botany, but had to drop out when it became hard for my parents. Their finances dropped as the store wasn't doing well. Bigger floral shops overshadowed ours, but my parents refused to give up on it.

My mom got sick a few years ago and officially gave the shop to me. I used what money I had to fix up the upstairs and made it into a small apartment. Business hasn't been terrible, but it's bad enough to start to worry me.

That's why during the week I mainly work as a barista. That extra money helps me. Not by much, but enough.

I don't dare tell my parents how bad things really are because they'd try to do something to help. My mom doesn't need to do that because she is sick. My dad should just worry about taking care of mom and being with her.

I looked down at the bills and shook my head just as Percy, my cat, came running over.

"We'll be okay, Percy. Hardship build character and strengthens you."

His only response was a meow.

"Nice pep talk, Perc."

I sat down on my small old couch and sighed. I turned on my small TV and started flipping channels. There was nothing on so I stuck with watching the news. They were talking about some billionaire and how he built his empire from scratch.

Percy jumped up beside me and stretched out.

"Percy, audentes fortuna iuvat."
(Forunte favors the bold.)


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