Epilogue - The Concluding Chapter

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She was sleeping peacefully on the bed as we all waited for her to wake. She was so peaceful, so fragile, so-

“How do you think shes doing?” Sierra’s American accent broke me out of my trance. Probably a good thing seeing as I just kept staring at her.

“Sierra,” Harry spoke up as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, comforting her. “Stop worrying about her. The doctors did everything they could so now it’s just up to Zo to wake up.”

“How much longer do you think it will be?” She quickly interjected, purely out of curious worry.

“They said an hour or something from when they finished the surgery didn’t they?” Niall spoke up from his position behind me. I was sitting as close as I could get to Zo. Sierra and Harry were perched up against the windowsill and Niall was occupying the chair in the corner of the room.

“It’s already been like thirty-five minutes since they left though,” Harry reminded reassuringly, showing his watch as proof.

“Yeah you’re right. Ok,” Sierra said, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath as if she was trying to centre herself before a yoga class. “I’m just going to relax.” When she opened her eyes they just stuck on Zo before her eyes drifted towards her feet. “I can’t be in here though. I’m going to go and get a tea or something from the café downstairs.”

“We’ll come with you,” Harry projects. I hear three pairs of shoes start to squeak and clunk against the floor. But I don’t hear the door open or close. “That means you two Sheeran.”

“But what if she wakes up and I’m not-”

“You’ll be here. Now up you get. Lets get some tea in you.”

With one last look at Zo I made my way downstairs to the cafeteria. There weren’t that many people there and I was extremely grateful for that. There was normally a ninety percent chance that we would be noticed and being sat with Harry Styles and Niall Horan of One Direction didn’t improve my chances.

In the café it was a serve yourself machine where you put in a fiver and it spurted out a drink of your choice. Even though the others went with a tea, I was feeling way too drained. I needed that rich caffeine. So I pressed the button for my usual double shot coffee and poured in three sashays of sugar. For fifteen minutes we sat quietly at our table barely even talking except about recent tour dates planned for Harry and Niall, Sierra’s hopefully new promotion at her own work and just anything else that popped up into our heads.

It didn’t take a genius to tell that everyone’s minds were occupied with the thought of Zo. With a look at Harry’s watch that was rested on the table

But my eyes just flitted back to Zo as she lay completely motionless on the bed. She would be awake soon though. Soon. Soon she would open her eyes. Soon I would be able to get lost in the pretty colour of green that I fiercely missed. Soon she would be able to look back into mine.


Everything was quiet. My mind was quiet, my surroundings were quiet and my heart ache was quiet. My senses were fresh and clean and my body woke to the feeling of sun rays on my arm. It was pleasant and soft and the sensation made my body move. My arms were lying on top of soft sheets while my head was rested on a pillow too soft to just be a department store purchase, which all of my purchases were. So I wasn’t at home. My fingers started to stretch and clench and then I started to hear voices.

“Guys, I think she moved.” It was a voice I could only place as my Irish Niall. Soon footsteps started moving until I could hear soundless breathing all around me. Then a hand was on mine, rubbing a thumb on top of my knuckles.

red hair and a blue hoodie // ed sheeranWhere stories live. Discover now