Day Two: Plagg

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Day Two yay! I'm so excited! This one shot is rated teen mild swearing and sexual references, if that makes you uncomfortable just don't read the one shot. If you have no problem with it or a rebel let's go! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed thanks!                                                                                                  -Colorado


Chat Noir was in trouble. He had been out on patrol when he had come across a mugging. He had luckily saved the damsel in distress, but the mugger had escaped and he had to use his cataclysm to get rid of the weapon. So now with less than a minute left and no cheese for Plagg he flew across the rooftops to a certain Princess' balcony.

"Marinette!" He called knocking on her latch. She appeared with her hair in a bun, a black and white striped shirt and a pink skirt. Chat momentarily forgot that he was about to transform back as he took in Marinette's outfit. 'She looks so adorable and perfect.' Beeps from his miraculous brought him back to reality.

"Chat Noir? What are you doing here?" She asked confused.

"I'm going to transform back in a few seconds! Let me in!" He normally wouldn't be so pushy, but this was an emergency. Marinette hurriedly got out of the way.

"Go to the bathroom! My parents aren't home so don't worry about them seeing you."

"You let me, a stranger dressed in leather, into your room without your parents?" Chat teased.

"Chat! Not the time!" She scolded. He grinned.

"You have my a-paw-logizes Purrincess." He told her, dashing down the stairs to the main living space before slipping into the restroom. Once there he de-transformed back into the one and only Adrien Agreste.

"I need cheese!" Plagg whined.

"Okay, okay." Adrien heard a knock on the door.

"Chat? Are you okay?"

"Mari! Thank goodness!" Plagg cried out and phased through the door. Marinette was glad to see the little kwami again, even if he was quite stubborn.

"Hey Plagg. It's good to see you again." She told him as he phased through the door. She kept her voice down. Even though she had met Plagg before, Chat Noir didn't know that.

"You too! Can I please have some cheese?" 

"Of course, Plagg." Marinette giggled, walked into the kitchen, and got out some camembert. "Will this work?"

"Oh my sweet cheesy goodness! You have camembert!" He flew over and grabbed the cheese, eyes shining. "Chat Noir better marry you." He said which caused Marinette to blush furiously. 

"I don't think he wants to, Plagg." Marinette told him and to her surprise he bursted out laughing.

"Seriously, Marinette you should hear how he talks about you! I thought his crush on Ladybug was bad, but I have to hear about how much he wants to make out with you and 'taste your lips' all the damn time. It's living hell!"

"He really thinks that?"

"Oh yeah, that's not even the worse fantasy he's come up with, granted I probably shouldn't have snooped through his computer."

"What are you talking about Plagg?"

"Lets just say I learned that lemon doesn't always mean fruit." He said ominously. From her neck to her ears, Marinette was covered in a shade of bright red. She knew what that meant due to Alya leaving a tab open on her computer once. Boy, did Marinette learn her lesson. Alya didn't read lemons either, she just left it up so that Marinette would learn not to snoop.

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now