Day Eighteen: Jealousy

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It wouldn't be Marichat May without Chat being a jealous kitty! I really want to see Adrien being jealous in Season 4 though. I want to see a lot of things in Season 4. Although it's apparently going to have the same impact Chat Blanc did. In. Every. Episode. I'm low-key scared. Anyway, this one-shot is rated teen vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                  -Colorado


If there was one thing Marinette Dupain-Cheng knew about her boyfriend, it was that he was, very, very protective.

Now, Marinette usually didn't mind his jealousy, she thought it was cute! But, there was a line and Chat Noir had crossed that line.

"Put me down Chat." She told him, crossing her arms as he carried her across the rooftops.

"Once we get to your house I will." He told her.

"Chat." She said annoyed.

"What were you even doing with them?" The way he said 'them' was full of venom. Marinette had never heard Chat talk about someone like that and she had to admit. It was hot.

"Luka invited me out." Marinette said nonchalantly.

"You know that he's got a crush on you." Chat told her frowning.

"I know, Chat, but Luka's my friend!"

"You didn't see how they were looking at you." Chat growled through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean?" Luka would never-."

"I wasn't talking about Luka. I mean, I don't like you hanging out with Luka, but I know that he wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"So who?"

"His friends. I'm glad you didn't see how they were looking at you. Like you were something to play with and then throw away. Their eyes were full of lust." Chat spat out, disgusted. "I know Luka wouldn't do something to make you uncomfortable, but those boys probably would." Marinette sighed.

They weren't even supposed to be there. Luka invited her out for ice cream and he ran into his friends at the parlor. They decided to tag along, even though Marinette disproved.

"I swear I was making up excuses to leave them when you came. They honestly made me pretty uncomfortable." Marinette looked up at Chat to see his eyes with malice in them.

"They're going to pay." He snarled.

"Chat, what are you planning?" Marinette asked nervously.

"Oh I just want them to know that you are mine and only mine." He told her, something feral was in his eyes.

"Don't hurt them physically, okay?" Marinette asked. Chat set her down on her balcony.

"Of course not Princess. I'm a superhero. I only hurt akumas and criminals." He kissed her forehead. "I'll be back."

"Do you want me to set up a movie?" Marinette asked hopefully. It had been a while since Marinette had seen Chat as Marinette. It was hard dating him sometimes, but it was worth it.

"Sounds great!" He pecked her cheek, making her blush and then headed off to where Luka and his friends were.

"Did anyone see where Marinette went?" Luka was asking when Chat arrived on the scene. Okay, so maybe it had been a bad move to wait until she was alone and then snatch her up, but he couldn't help it.

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