Day Thirty-One: Knight in Shining Leather

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Guys! Oh my Gosh! We've made it! Don't fear, I'm already planning on writing more Miraculous Fanfics! I also want to say a huge thank you to all of the people who have voted and commented on my book! Y'all are so sweet and it really inspires me to write! So, here's the final day! If you've enjoyed please leave a like comment! Thanks!                                                                                                   -Colorado


One thing that Marinette had learned over the years it's that her Ladybug Luck doesn't transfer over into her civilian life. 

This fact had been proven what seems like a million times, but this week had been the tip of the iceberg.

"Again?" Chat Noir asked as he looked at Marinette incredulously. She offered him a weak smile.

"I'm just as confused as you are."

"Hey! Quit talking you two! Give me your Miraculous Chat Noir!" The akuma villain screeched from behind them. Chat Noir sighed and turned around.

"Sorry Princess, but I've got an akuma to take care of. I'll rescue you as soon as I can, if Ladybug doesn't rescue you first." He winked to comfort her, but little did he know that his words were having the opposite effect. He turned to the akuma victim. 

"I am Monochrome!" The akuma looked like a girl in her early-20s with inky straight hair framing a pale face with gray eyes. She had on a white sundress with white sandals, as if the world had drained her of her color. "I will drain the world of color like the person who drained my paints jeopardizing my art final!" She tried to blast Chat Noir but he dodged the blast.

"Where are you Ladybug?" Marinette could hear him say and she flinched. She needed to get out of here.

"Give me your Miraculous or your Princess gets it!" Monochrome yelled aiming her blasts at Marinette. Her eyes went wide, if she got hit, she'd become one of Monochrome's henchmen, then it's game over for her.

"No!" Chat Noir yelled. He leapt in front of Marinette and deflected the blast. "We need to get you out of here." He muttered.

"You think? But how are we supposed to untie these ropes?" The akuma had picked up Marinette before she could transform and had decided to tie her to the top of the Eiffel Tower because for some reason akuma's had been targeting her. 

Every single attack in this last week, she had been captured until Chat Noir could save her. There was an advantage, however. She was getting to know Chat Noir pretty well out of the mask. 

"Cataclysm!" He called and touched the ropes. "Come on Princess. Your knight in shining armor is taking you home." Marinette laughed, but allowed herself to be picked up by Chat Noir.

He ran across the rooftops until he found her bakery. He placed her gently down on her balcony.

"Stay here okay? I'll be coming over tonight, again, to make sure you're alright." Marinette nodded.

"Thanks Chat."

"It's no problem." They were interrupted by his Miraculous beeping. "I've got to go. See you later!" With that he vaulted away on his baton.

After the attack, Chat Noir had wanted to talk with Ladybug. This had surprised her to say the least. Ever since she became Guardian he stopped pretty much all flirting with her. The nicknames have been reduced to "LB" and "Little Bug". Ladybug couldn't lie to herself, she missed the old days.

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