Day Nineteen: Umbrella

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Okay I really want to see something like this happen in the show. It would be awesome! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed! This one-shot is rated teen.                                                                                                                         -Colorado


Marinette gazed up at the over-cast sky. She knew that it meant that it was about to rain. Marinette used to love the rain because it reminded her of the moment she first fell love. Now, she had a love-hate relationship with the rain. 

She sighed to herself as the teacher dismissed the class. She lived right across the street, so she wouldn't need an umbrella to get home.

"Marinette?" Asked a voice in front of her. "You okay?" She looked up to see Adrien standing in front of her.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just the weather." She said pointing to the sky.

"Oh. I thought you loved the rain." He said, eyes furrowed. Marinette just shrugged.

'I used too. Now it's just a painful reminder of heartbreak and love.' She thought to herself.

"Do you, uh, want to borrow another umbrella?" He asked the girl. She smiled, grateful for his attempt to cheer her up, even if he didn't know what was wrong.

"It's okay. I live just across the street." She said.

"Oh right."

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She waved him goodbye and started to walk home.

"You certainly have improved in speaking to him." Tikki chirped.

"I don't like him anymore, Tikki." Marinette smiled sadly. "Luka was right. I have to move on."

"Move on to Luka?" Tikki asked. Marinette shook her head.

"He'd be nothing but a rebound. I couldn't do that to him. He's an amazing guy, he deserves someone who's not using him to move on. The next guy that I try to pursue will be someone who I truly like." She said seriously.

"I'm so proud of you, Marinette." Tikki told her.

"Thanks Tikki. Hi maman!" She greeted her mother as she entered the bakery.

"Oh! Hi dear! How are you?" Her mother asked her.

"Alright. I've got some homework to do."

"Okay sweetie, but before you do that do you think you could run some errands for me?" Marinette nodded as Sabine handed her the list.

"Bye maman!" Marinette called.

"Marinette wait! You forgot" the bakery door closed and Sabine sighed, "your umbrella."

"Something's up Plagg." Adrien Agreste was pacing in his bedroom worried about the sudden shift in his friends attitude.

"What do you mean?" Plagg asked, his mouth full of cheese.

"I mean that Marinette was acting weird today. I know for a fact she loved the rain, so what changed?"

"Well, if you want my advice on it. I say that you're making a mountain out of a molehill. So your princess doesn't care for the rain anymore, big deal." Plagg remarked.

"We became friends in the rain." Adrien whispered. 

"Adrien. Whatever is going on with Marinette is probably completely unrelated to you, okay?" Plagg told him seriously. Adrien just shrugged.

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now